Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science

Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Prof. Emo Welzl

Bernd Gärtner - Smallest Enclosing Ball Code, license page

Smallest Enclosing Balls - Fast and Robust in C++.

Commercial License.

If you want to use the code in a proprietary program, the GNU General Public License (GPLv3) does not apply, and you need a commercial license. Here are the terms and conditions of the license I offer. The license fee is EUR 500. If you want to obtain a license, please fill and sign three copies of the license agreement and send them to the address below. You will get back one copy of the agreement, signed by ETH, along with an invoice containing the payment details (including IBAN of the account to use for the payment).

Please feel free to contact me beforehand, should you have any questions regarding the license.

Bernd Gärtner
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science
ETH Zürich
Andreasstrasse 5
CH-8092 Zürich

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