SAT Lecture Notes "Boolean Satisfiability - Combinatorics and Algorithms"- Updates
The currently best known bound for a deterministic 3-SAT algorithm
is O(1.473n), see [Brueggemann, Kern, 2004]
(improvement on previous bound of O(1.481n) in
[Dantsin etal, 2002]).
[Brueggemann, Kern, 2004]
Tobias Brueggemann, Walter Kern,
An improved local search algorithm for 3-SAT,
Theoretical Computer Science 329:1-3 (2004) 303-313.
There are two new papers concerning the problem on k-satisfiable
CNF formulas. Among others, [Král', 2003] proves the a
tight ratio of always satisfiable clauses for a 4-satisfiable CNF
formula (of roughly 0.6992).
[Král', 2003]
Daniel Král',
Locally satisfiable formulas,
Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms
(SODA) (2004) 330-339.
[Trevisan, 2004]
Luca Trevisan,
On Local Versus Global Satisfiability,
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 17:4 (2004)541-547.
See also Section 20.6 in
[Jukna, 2001]
Satasys Jukna,
Extremal Combinatorics - With Applications in Computer Science,
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2001).