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Calling Sequence:
sort(L, orderproc)
L : list ( array)
orderproc : procedure

Returns: list (array)

Synopsis: The sort function can order a list (array) containing any type of elements as long as these elements are comparable ie. the operators <, >, <>, =, <=, >= are applicable and well-defined. When only supplied a list, sort places the elements in ascending order and returns a copy of the L.

The optional second argument must specify an ordering procedure.


> a := [521, -923, 1293, 521, -3342];
> sort(a);                    # ascending order.
> sort(a, a -> -a);           # descending order.
> neg := proc(a) 
>   return(abs(a));
> end;
> sort(a, neg);               # ascending absolute value order.
> b := [['a', 'f'], ['b', 'e'], ['c', 'd']];
> sort(b, b->b[2]);           # sort on second element of list

Gaston Gonnet