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Calling Sequences:
opt : { string, string=anything}

Returns: previous value of the system variable

Synopsis: The Set command is used to assign to system variables.

Table: Options for the Set function .
Table: Options for the Set function .
Name Type Description
echo $0\ldots$ Sets the level of input/output information displayed.


integer Sets the frequency (in words allocated) for garbage
mapsize integer Sets the minimum size (in chars) required for Darwin
    to build a .map file.
plotdevice printing style 1 Sets the protocol for subsequent printer/plotter files.
plotoutput filename Specifies where files contain plotter code is sent.
printgc boolean Toggles displaying garbage collection information.
printlevel´ integer Sets the amount of information which is printed out
    during execution.
profile boolean Toggles printer/plotter profile mode
prompt string Sets the Darwin prompt.
quiet boolean Toggles the suppression of output.
server boolean Places Darwin in server mode.
screenwidth posint Sets the width of a line for all subsequent output.
1 Choices include ps, pslandscape, psportrait, tek.


> Set(printgc);  # turn off garbage collect messages if on, turn on otherwise
> Set(plotdevice=pslandscape); # all subsequent plots are produced in
                               # in landscape mode in the PostScript format

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Gaston Gonnet