Produced by enquire version 5.1a, CWI, Amsterdam Compiler claims to be ANSI C level 0 Compiler names are at least 64 chars long Preprocessor names are at least 64 long SIZES char = 8 bits, signed short=16 int=32 long=32 float=32 double=64 bits char*=32 bits int* =32 bits func*=32 bits Type size_t is unsigned int/long ALIGNMENTS char=1 short=2 int=4 long=4 float=4 double=8 char*=4 int*=4 func*=4 CHARACTER ORDER short: AB int: ABCD long: ABCD PROPERTIES OF POINTERS Char and int pointer formats seem identical Char and function pointer formats seem identical Strings are not shared Type ptrdiff_t is signed int/long Dereferencing NULL causes a trap PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL TYPES Overflow of a short does not generate a trap Maximum short = 32767 (= 2**15-1) Minimum short = -32768 Overflow of an int does not generate a trap Maximum int = 2147483647 (= 2**31-1) Minimum int = -2147483648 Overflow of a long does not generate a trap Maximum long = 2147483647 (= 2**31-1) Minimum long = -2147483648 Maximum unsigned short = 65535 Maximum unsigned int = 4294967295 Maximum unsigned long = 4294967295 PROMOTIONS unsigned short promotes to signed int/long long+unsigned gives unsigned int/long PROPERTIES OF FLOAT Base = 2 Significant base digits = 24 (= at least 6 decimal digits) Arithmetic rounds towards nearest Tie breaking rounds to even Smallest x such that 1.0-base**x != 1.0 = -24 Smallest x such that 1.0-x != 1.0 = 2.98023259e-08 Smallest x such that 1.0+base**x != 1.0 = -23 Smallest x such that 1.0+x != 1.0 = 5.96046519e-08 (Above number + 1.0) - 1.0 = 1.19209290e-07 Number of bits used for exponent = 8 Minimum normalised exponent = -126 Minimum normalised positive number = 1.17549435e-38 The smallest numbers are not kept normalised Smallest unnormalised positive number = 1.40129846e-45 Maximum exponent = 128 Maximum number = 3.40282347e+38 Overflow doesn't seem to generate a trap There is an 'infinite' value Divide by zero doesn't generate a trap Arithmetic uses a hidden bit It looks like single length IEEE format PROPERTIES OF DOUBLE Base = 2 Significant base digits = 53 (= at least 15 decimal digits) Arithmetic rounds towards nearest Tie breaking rounds to even Smallest x such that 1.0-base**x != 1.0 = -53 Smallest x such that 1.0-x != 1.0 = 5.5511151231257839e-17 Smallest x such that 1.0+base**x != 1.0 = -52 Smallest x such that 1.0+x != 1.0 = 1.1102230246251568e-16 (Above number + 1.0) - 1.0 = 2.2204460492503131e-16 Number of bits used for exponent = 11 Minimum normalised exponent = -1022 Minimum normalised positive number = 2.2250738585072014e-308 The smallest numbers are not kept normalised Smallest unnormalised positive number = 4.9406564584124654e-324 Maximum exponent = 1024 Maximum number = 1.7976931348623157e+308 Overflow doesn't seem to generate a trap There is an 'infinite' value Divide by zero doesn't generate a trap Arithmetic uses a hidden bit It looks like double length IEEE format Float expressions are evaluated in float precision Double expressions are evaluated in double precision Memory mallocatable ~= 2098 Mbytes