CovBond := proc(d,i,j) k50/DIST(i,j)^12 + k51/DIST(i,j)^6 end:
# k50 .. k59 #
#                                 k50        k51
#                              --------- + --------
#                                     12          6
#                              (a - b)     (a - b)
# Handbook of Chemistry and Physics F-217, F-224
eqns := { subs( dd = 1887/1000, diff( subs(DIST(i,j)=dd,CovBond(dd,i,j)), dd)),
	  subs( DIST(i,j) = 1887/1000, CovBond(dd,i,j)) = -10158/100 }:
assign(solve( eqns, {k50,k51} ));

# Extra dimensions squeezing
# k64 .. k69 #

#                             DIM
#                            -----
#                             \                  2
#                              )   k[60 + i] x[i]
#                             /
#                            -----
#                            i = 4
for i from 4 to DIM do k6.i := 1/1000 od:
i := 'i':

# Interior/Surface interactions
# k70 .. k79 #
# Interior-Interior attraction

#                                k70        k71
#                             -------- + --------
#                                    4          2
#                             (a - b)    (a - b)

InterInter := proc(d,i,j) k70/DIST(i,j)^4 + k71/DIST(i,j)^2 end:
eqns := subs( dd=7, { %=5, diff(%,dd)=0 } ):
assign(solve( eqns, {k70,k71} ));

# Interior-Surface repulsion

#                                      k72
#                                   --------
#                                          2
#                                   (a - b)

InterSurf := proc(d,i,j) k72/DIST(i,j)^2 end:
assign( solve( { subs(DIST(i,j)=RadiusR[i]+RadiusR[j],InterSurf(dd,i,j))=5 },

printf( `Model constants:\n` );
printf( `Distance penalty, k10=%g, k11=%g\n`, k10, k11 );
printf( `van der Waals constants: k20=%g, k21=%g\n`, k20, k21 );
printf( `Charge potential: k30=%g, Charge H+=%g, Charge O-=%g\n`,
	k30, k31, k32 );
printf( `alignment = exp( %g*(AlignNHO-1) )\n`, k37 );
printf( `O-H (same aa) factor=%g\n`, k38 );
printf( `OH - Charged residues factor=%g\n`, k39 );
printf( `Covalent bond (van der Waals): k50=%g, k51=%g\n`, k50, k51 );
printf( `Extra dimensions squeezing:` );
for i from 4 to DIM do printf( ` k6%d=%g`, i, k6.i ) od;
printf( `\n` );
printf( `Interior-Interior attraction: K70=%g, k71=%g\n`, k70, k71 );

  . . . . .

# Models of peptide chains #
#									#
#   ModelII has the following characteristics:				#
#									#
#	3 blobs per amino acid						#
#	CA(i) = xyz[3*i-2]						#
#	R(i) = xyz[3*i-1]  (collection of atoms of the side chain)	#
#	O(i) = xyz[3*i]							#
#									#
#	The C', N and H atoms are in the plane defined by CA(i), O(i)	#
#	and CA(i+1) and are computed based on these points		#
#									#
#	The plus charge of the NH is assumed to be +k31 and at H(i)	#
#	The negative charge of the C=0 is assumed to be k32 at O(i)	#
#									#
#	Radii of side chains are taken from the volumes (as spheres)	#
#	Distance from centre of side chains to CA taken from a table	#
#									#
#	Charged amino acids, +- 1 taken at the centre of the side chain	#
#	Disulphide bonds, formed from the centre of the side chains	#
#									#

# The number of blobs includes a fictitious CA at the end of the chain
NPEPT := nops(Seq):

#  Planarity of the CA, C', N and CA atoms
#  except for Proline, the following distances should hold:
#	   N		   O
#	    \		  //
#	     \		 //
#	      CA ------ C'    .
#	     /		  \  .
#	    /		   \.
#	   /	(1)	   .\      (2)
#	  CB		  .  \ 
#	 /		 .    N ------ CA
#	/		     /
#      /		    /
#     R		           /
#			  H

Digits := 14:
CA1x := 0:
CA1y := 0:

C1x := 1.53:
C1y := 0:

# CA - C' - N angle is 115 deg
N2x := evalf( C1x + 1.325*cos( (115-180)*2*Pi/360 )):
N2y := evalf( 1.325*sin( (115-180)*2*Pi/360 )):

# distance from N to CA
eq1 := (N2x-CA2x)^2 + (N2y-CA2y)^2 = 1.453^2:

# distance from C' to CA(2)
eq2 := (C1x-CA2x)^2 + (C1y-CA2y)^2 = 2.427^2:
fsolve( {eq1,eq2}, {CA2x,CA2y} ):

# CA - C' - O angle is 120.5
O1x := evalf( C1x + 1.230*cos( (180-120.5)/360*2*Pi )):
O1y := evalf( 1.230*sin( (180-120.5)/360*2*Pi )):

# CA - N - H angle is 115
aH := arctan( (CA2y-N2y) / (CA2x-N2x) ) - evalf( 115/360*2*Pi ):
H2x := N2x + 1.0 * cos(aH):
H2y := N2y + 1.0 * sin(aH):

# position of C' in terms of CA1, O, CA2
eq1 := a1*CA1x + a2*O1x + (1-a1-a2)*CA2x = C1x:
eq2 := a1*CA1y + a2*O1y + (1-a1-a2)*CA2y = C1y:
convert( fsolve( {eq1,eq2}, {a1,a2} ), rational, exact):
C := subs( %, proc(i) a1*CA(i) + a2*O(i) + (1-a1-a2)*CA(i+1) end ):

# position of N in terms of CA1, O, CA2
eq1 := a1*CA1x + a2*O1x + (1-a1-a2)*CA2x = N2x:
eq2 := a1*CA1y + a2*O1y + (1-a1-a2)*CA2y = N2y:
convert( fsolve( {eq1,eq2}, {a1,a2} ), rational, exact):
N := subs( %, proc(i) a1*CA(i-1) + a2*O(i-1) + (1-a1-a2)*CA(i) end ):

# position of H in terms of CA1, O, CA2
eq1 := a1*CA1x + a2*O1x + (1-a1-a2)*CA2x = H2x:
eq2 := a1*CA1y + a2*O1y + (1-a1-a2)*CA2y = H2y:
convert( fsolve( {eq1,eq2}, {a1,a2} ), rational, exact):
H := subs( %, proc(i) a1*CA(i-1) + a2*O(i-1) + (1-a1-a2)*CA(i) end ):

# position of CA2 in terms of CA1, O, C'
eq1 := a1*CA1x + a2*O1x + (1-a1-a2)*C1x = CA2x:
eq2 := a1*CA1y + a2*O1y + (1-a1-a2)*C1y = CA2y:
convert( fsolve( {eq1,eq2}, {a1,a2} ), rational, exact):

# position of CB1 in terms of CA1 and R
CB := proc(i) CA(i) + 153/100/DistCA_SC[i]*(R(i)-CA(i)) end:

# Position of CB(1) in CB(1), CA(1), C'(1) plane
CB1x := 153/100 * cos(-AngleCpr_Cbeta[aanum]*2*Pi/360):
CB1y := 153/100 * sin(-AngleCpr_Cbeta[aanum]*2*Pi/360):

# Position of N(1) in CB(1), CA(1), C'(1) plane
N1x := 1453/1000*cos(1/180*AngleN_Cpr[aanum]*Pi):
N1y := 1453/1000*(cos(1/180*AngleCpr_Cbeta[aanum]*Pi)*
N1z := -1453/1000*((cos(1/180*AngleN_Cpr[aanum]*Pi)^2-2*cos(1/180*

#  Position of N1 in terms of CA, C' and CB (R)
#  N-CA = aN * Perpen( C'-CA, CB-CA ) + bN * (C'-CA) + cN * (CB-CA)
N1 := evalm( aN * Perpen( [C1x,0,0], [CB1x,CB1y,0] ) +
    bN * array([C1x,0,0]) + cN * array([CB1x,CB1y,0]) -
    array([N1x,N1y,N1z]) ):
N1inCACR := solve( convert({N1[1],N1[2],N1[3]},rational,exact), {aN,bN,cN} ):

# distance equations (for each possible i)
d := DistCA_SC[i]:
distances :=

    # distances to side chain
    PotDistance( d, R(i), CA(i) ) +
    # DistCpr_R[i] = sqrt( 1.53^2 + d^2 -\
	2*1.53*d*cos( AngleCpr_Cbeta[Seq[i]]*2*Pi/360 ));
    PotDistance( DistCpr_R[i], R(i), C(i) ) +
    # DistN_R[i] = sqrt( 1.453^2 + d^2 -\
	2*1.453*d*cos( AngleN_Cbeta[Seq[i]]*2*Pi/360 ));
    PotDistance( DistN_R[i], R(i), N(i) ) +

    # distance to main plane (CA,O,CA)
    PotDistance( sqrt( (CA1x-O1x)^2 + (CA1y-O1y)^2 ), CA(i), O(i) ) +
    PotDistance( sqrt( (CA1x-CA2x)^2 + (CA1y-CA2y)^2 ), CA(i), CA(i+1) ) +
    PotDistance( sqrt( (O1x-CA2x)^2 + (O1y-CA2y)^2 ), O(i), CA(i+1) ) +

    # other distances
    # DistN_Cpr[i] = sqrt( 1.453^2 + 1.53^2 - 2 * 1.453 * 1.53 *\
	cos( AngleN_Cpr[Seq[i]]*2*Pi/360 ));
    PotDistance( DistN_Cpr[i], N(i), C(i) ):
distances := convert(distances,rational,exact):

# No van der Waals interaction within an amino acid
# is considered significant

# van der Waals interaction (for each amino acid i against j)
vdWij := 0:
ai := [ [H,12/10], [N,15/10], [CA,2], [C,2], [O,14/10], [R,RadiusR[i]]]:
aj := [ [H,12/10], [N,15/10], [CA,2], [C,2], [O,14/10], [R,RadiusR[j]]]:
for a1 in ai do for a2 in aj do
    vdWij := vdWij + VanDerWaals( a1[2]+a2[2], a1[1](i), a2[1](j) );
    od od:

# Coulumb's law within one amino acid
Couli := PotCharge( ChargeR[i]*k31, R(i), H(i) ) +
	 k39*PotCharge( ChargeR[i]*k32, R(i), O(i) ) +
	 k38*PotCharge( k31*k32, H(i), O(i) ): # these will not form a H-bond

# Coulumb's law within two amino acids
Coulij := k39*PotCharge( ChargeR[i]*k31, R(i), H(j) ) +
	  k39*PotCharge( ChargeR[i]*k32, R(i), O(j) ) +
	  PotCharge( ChargeR[i]*ChargeR[j], R(i), R(j) ) +

	  PotCharge( k31*k31, H(i), H(j) ) +
	  PotCharge( k31*k32, H(i), O(j) ) * AlignNHO(i,j) +
	  k39*PotCharge( k31*ChargeR[j], H(i), R(j) ) +

	  PotCharge( k32*k31, O(i), H(j) ) * AlignNHO(j,i) +
	  PotCharge( k32*k32, O(i), O(j) ) +
	  k39*PotCharge( k32*ChargeR[j], O(i), R(j) ):

# the Coulumb's potential between amino acids i and i+1
# must exclude the potential between O(i) and H(i+1)
Couli1 := subs( j=i+1, Coulij) - PotCharge( k32*k31, O(i), H(i+1) ) *

# Disulphide covalent bond
CovBondij := CovBond(dd,R(i),R(j)) - VanDerWaals(RadiusR[i]+RadiusR[j],
	R(i), R(j) ):

# Dimension squeezing for amino acid i
DimSqueeze := sum( 'INDEX( k6.k*(CA(i)^2+O(i)^2+R(i)^2),k)', k=4..DIM ):

# Position of N(i) (wrt CA, CB and C')
PositionN := PotDistance( 0, N(i)-CA(i), aN[i]*Perpen3( C(i)-CA(i),
    CB(i)-CA(i) ) + bN[i]*(C(i)-CA(i)) + cN[i]*(CB(i)-CA(i)) ) / k10 * k11: