MODULE ORB; (*NW 25.6.2014 / AP 4.3.2020 / 8.3.2019 in Oberon-07*) IMPORT Files, ORS; (*Definition of data types Object and Type, which together form the data structure called "symbol table". Contains procedures for creation of Objects, and for search: NewObj, this, thisimport, thisfield (and OpenScope, CloseScope). Handling of import and export, i.e. reading and writing of "symbol files" is done by procedures Import and Export. This module contains the list of standard identifiers, with which the symbol table (universe), and that of the pseudo-module SYSTEM are initialized. *) CONST versionkey* = 1; maxTypTab = 64; (* class values*) Head* = 0; Const* = 1; Var* = 2; Par* = 3; Fld* = 4; Typ* = 5; SProc* = 6; SFunc* = 7; Mod* = 8; (* form values*) Byte* = 1; Bool* = 2; Char* = 3; Int* = 4; Real* = 5; Set* = 6; Pointer* = 7; NilTyp* = 8; NoTyp* = 9; Proc* = 10; String* = 11; Array* = 12; Record* = 13; TYPE Object* = POINTER TO ObjDesc; Module* = POINTER TO ModDesc; Type* = POINTER TO TypeDesc; ObjDesc*= RECORD class*, exno*: BYTE; expo*, rdo*: BOOLEAN; (*exported / read-only*) lev*: INTEGER; next*, dsc*: Object; type*: Type; name*: ORS.Ident; val*: LONGINT END ; ModDesc* = RECORD (ObjDesc) orgname*: ORS.Ident END ; TypeDesc* = RECORD form*, ref*, mno*: INTEGER; (*ref is only used for import/export*) nofpar*: INTEGER; (*for procedures, extension level for records*) len*: LONGINT; (*for arrays, len < 0 => open array; for records: adr of descriptor*) dsc*, typobj*: Object; base*: Type; (*for arrays, records, pointers*) size*: LONGINT; (*in bytes; always multiple of 4, except for Byte, Bool and Char*) END ; (* Object classes and the meaning of "val": class val ---------- Var address Par address Const value Fld offset Typ type descriptor (TD) address SProc inline code number SFunc inline code number Mod key Type forms and the meaning of "dsc" and "base": form dsc base ------------------------ Pointer - type of dereferenced object Proc params result type Array - type of elements Record fields extension *) VAR topScope*, universe, system*: Object; byteType*, boolType*, charType*: Type; intType*, realType*, setType*, nilType*, noType*, strType*: Type; nofmod, Ref: INTEGER; typtab: ARRAY maxTypTab OF Type; PROCEDURE NewObj*(VAR obj: Object; id: ORS.Ident; class: INTEGER); (*insert new Object with name id*) VAR new, x: Object; BEGIN x := topScope; WHILE ( # NIL) & ( # id) DO x := END ; IF = NIL THEN NEW(new); := id; new.class := class; := NIL; new.rdo := FALSE; new.dsc := NIL; := new; obj := new ELSE obj :=; ORS.Mark("mult def") END END NewObj; PROCEDURE thisObj*(): Object; VAR s, x: Object; BEGIN s := topScope; REPEAT x :=; WHILE (x # NIL) & ( # DO x := END ; s := s.dsc UNTIL (x # NIL) OR (s = NIL); RETURN x END thisObj; PROCEDURE thisimport*(mod: Object): Object; VAR obj: Object; BEGIN IF mod.rdo THEN IF[0] # 0X THEN obj := mod.dsc; WHILE (obj # NIL) & ( # DO obj := END ELSE obj := NIL END ELSE obj := NIL END ; RETURN obj END thisimport; PROCEDURE thisfield*(rec: Type): Object; VAR fld: Object; BEGIN fld := rec.dsc; WHILE (fld # NIL) & ( # DO fld := END ; RETURN fld END thisfield; PROCEDURE OpenScope*; VAR s: Object; BEGIN NEW(s); s.class := Head; s.dsc := topScope; := NIL; topScope := s END OpenScope; PROCEDURE CloseScope*; BEGIN topScope := topScope.dsc END CloseScope; (*------------------------------- Import ---------------------------------*) PROCEDURE MakeFileName*(VAR FName: ORS.Ident; name, ext: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; j := 0; (*assume name suffix less than 4 characters*) WHILE (i < ORS.IdLen-5) & (name[i] > 0X) DO FName[i] := name[i]; INC(i) END ; REPEAT FName[i]:= ext[j]; INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL ext[j] = 0X; FName[i] := 0X END MakeFileName; PROCEDURE ThisModule(name, orgname: ORS.Ident; decl: BOOLEAN; key: LONGINT): Object; VAR mod: Module; obj, obj1: Object; BEGIN obj1 := topScope; obj :=; (*search for module*) WHILE (obj # NIL) & (obj(Module).orgname # orgname) DO obj1 := obj; obj := END ; IF obj = NIL THEN (*new module, search for alias*) obj :=; WHILE (obj # NIL) & ( # name) DO obj := END ; IF obj = NIL THEN (*insert new module*) NEW(mod); mod.class := Mod; mod.rdo := FALSE; := name; mod.orgname := orgname; mod.val := key; mod.lev := nofmod; INC(nofmod); mod.dsc := NIL; := NIL; IF decl THEN mod.type := noType ELSE mod.type := nilType END ; := mod; obj := mod ELSIF decl THEN IF obj.type.form = NoTyp THEN ORS.Mark("mult def") ELSE ORS.Mark("invalid import order") END ELSE ORS.Mark("conflict with alias") END ELSIF decl THEN (*module already present, explicit import by declaration*) IF obj.type.form = NoTyp THEN ORS.Mark("mult def") ELSE ORS.Mark("invalid import order") END END ; RETURN obj END ThisModule; PROCEDURE Read(VAR R: Files.Rider; VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN Files.ReadByte(R, b); IF b < 80H THEN x := b ELSE x := b - 100H END END Read; PROCEDURE InType(VAR R: Files.Rider; thismod: Object; VAR T: Type); VAR key: LONGINT; ref, class, form, np, readonly: INTEGER; fld, par, obj, mod, last: Object; t: Type; name, modname: ORS.Ident; BEGIN Read(R, ref); IF ref < 0 THEN T := typtab[-ref] (*already read*) ELSE NEW(t); T := t; typtab[ref] := t; t.mno := thismod.lev; Read(R, form); t.form := form; IF form = Pointer THEN InType(R, thismod, t.base); t.size := 4 ELSIF form = Array THEN InType(R, thismod, t.base); Files.ReadNum(R, t.len); Files.ReadNum(R, t.size) ELSIF form = Record THEN InType(R, thismod, t.base); IF t.base.form = NoTyp THEN t.base := NIL; obj := NIL ELSE obj := t.base.dsc END ; Files.ReadNum(R, t.len); (*TD adr/exno*) Files.ReadNum(R, t.nofpar); (*ext level*) Files.ReadNum(R, t.size); Read(R, class); last := NIL; WHILE class # 0 DO (*fields*) NEW(fld); fld.class := class; Files.ReadString(R,; IF last = NIL THEN t.dsc := fld ELSE := fld END ; last := fld; IF[0] # 0X THEN fld.expo := TRUE; InType(R, thismod, fld.type) ELSE fld.expo := FALSE; fld.type := nilType END ; Files.ReadNum(R, fld.val); Read(R, class) END ; IF last = NIL THEN t.dsc := obj ELSE := obj END ELSIF form = Proc THEN InType(R, thismod, t.base); obj := NIL; np := 0; Read(R, class); WHILE class # 0 DO (*parameters*) NEW(par); par.class := class; Read(R, readonly); par.rdo := readonly = 1; InType(R, thismod, par.type); := obj; obj := par; INC(np); Read(R, class) END ; t.dsc := obj; t.nofpar := np; t.size := 4 END ; Files.ReadString(R, modname); IF modname[0] # 0X THEN (*re-import ========*) Files.ReadInt(R, key); Files.ReadString(R, name); mod := ThisModule(modname, modname, FALSE, key); obj := mod.dsc; (*search type*) WHILE (obj # NIL) & ( # name) DO obj := END ; IF obj # NIL THEN T := obj.type (*type object found in object list of mod*) ELSE (*insert new type object in object list of mod*) NEW(obj); := name; obj.class := Typ; := mod.dsc; mod.dsc := obj; obj.type := t; t.mno := mod.lev; t.typobj := obj; T := t END ; typtab[ref] := T END END END InType; PROCEDURE Import*(VAR modid, modid1: ORS.Ident); VAR key: LONGINT; class, k: INTEGER; obj: Object; t: Type; thismod: Object; modname, fname: ORS.Ident; F: Files.File; R: Files.Rider; BEGIN IF modid1 = "SYSTEM" THEN thismod := ThisModule(modid, modid1, TRUE, key); DEC(nofmod); thismod.lev := 0; thismod.dsc := system; thismod.rdo := TRUE ELSE MakeFileName(fname, modid1, ".smb"); F := Files.Old(fname); IF F # NIL THEN Files.Set(R, F, 0); Files.ReadInt(R, key); Files.ReadInt(R, key); Files.ReadString(R, modname); thismod := ThisModule(modid, modid1, TRUE, key); thismod.rdo := TRUE; Read(R, class); (*version key*) IF class # versionkey THEN ORS.Mark("wrong version") END ; Read(R, class); WHILE class # 0 DO NEW(obj); obj.class := class; Files.ReadString(R,; InType(R, thismod, obj.type); obj.lev := -thismod.lev; IF class = Typ THEN t := obj.type; t.typobj := obj; Read(R, k); (*fixup bases of previously declared pointer types*) WHILE k # 0 DO typtab[k].base := t; Read(R, k) END ELSE IF class = Const THEN IF obj.type.form = Real THEN Files.ReadInt(R, obj.val) ELSE Files.ReadNum(R, obj.val) END ELSIF class = Var THEN Files.ReadNum(R, obj.val); obj.rdo := TRUE END END ; := thismod.dsc; thismod.dsc := obj; Read(R, class) END ; ELSE ORS.Mark("import not available") END END END Import; (*-------------------------------- Export ---------------------------------*) PROCEDURE Write(VAR R: Files.Rider; x: INTEGER); BEGIN Files.WriteByte(R, x) END Write; PROCEDURE OutType(VAR R: Files.Rider; t: Type); VAR obj, mod, fld, bot: Object; PROCEDURE OutPar(VAR R: Files.Rider; par: Object; n: INTEGER); VAR cl: INTEGER; BEGIN IF n > 0 THEN OutPar(R,, n-1); cl := par.class; Write(R, cl); IF par.rdo THEN Write(R, 1) ELSE Write(R, 0) END ; OutType(R, par.type) END END OutPar; PROCEDURE FindHiddenPointers(VAR R: Files.Rider; typ: Type; offset: LONGINT); VAR fld: Object; i, n: LONGINT; BEGIN IF (typ.form = Pointer) OR (typ.form = NilTyp) THEN Write(R, Fld); Write(R, 0); Files.WriteNum(R, offset) ELSIF typ.form = Record THEN fld := typ.dsc; WHILE fld # NIL DO FindHiddenPointers(R, fld.type, fld.val + offset); fld := END ELSIF typ.form = Array THEN i := 0; n := typ.len; WHILE i < n DO FindHiddenPointers(R, typ.base, typ.base.size * i + offset); INC(i) END END END FindHiddenPointers; BEGIN IF t.ref > 0 THEN (*type was already output*) Write(R, -t.ref) ELSE obj := t.typobj; IF obj # NIL THEN Write(R, Ref); t.ref := Ref; INC(Ref) ELSE (*anonymous*) Write(R, 0) END ; Write(R, t.form); IF t.form = Pointer THEN OutType(R, t.base) ELSIF t.form = Array THEN OutType(R, t.base); Files.WriteNum(R, t.len); Files.WriteNum(R, t.size) ELSIF t.form = Record THEN IF t.base # NIL THEN OutType(R, t.base); bot := t.base.dsc ELSE OutType(R, noType); bot := NIL END ; IF obj # NIL THEN Files.WriteNum(R, obj.exno) ELSE Write(R, 0) END ; Files.WriteNum(R, t.nofpar); Files.WriteNum(R, t.size); fld := t.dsc; WHILE fld # bot DO (*fields*) IF fld.expo THEN Write(R, Fld); Files.WriteString(R,; OutType(R, fld.type); Files.WriteNum(R, fld.val) (*offset*) ELSE FindHiddenPointers(R, fld.type, fld.val) END ; fld := END ; Write(R, 0) ELSIF t.form = Proc THEN OutType(R, t.base); OutPar(R, t.dsc, t.nofpar); Write(R, 0) END ; IF (t.mno > 0) & (obj # NIL) THEN (*re-export, output name*) mod :=; WHILE (mod # NIL) & (mod.lev # t.mno) DO mod := END ; IF mod # NIL THEN Files.WriteString(R, mod(Module).orgname); Files.WriteInt(R, mod.val); Files.WriteString(R, ELSE ORS.Mark("re-export not found"); Write(R, 0) END ELSE Write(R, 0) END END END OutType; PROCEDURE Export*(VAR modid: ORS.Ident; VAR newSF: BOOLEAN; VAR key: LONGINT); VAR x, sum, oldkey: LONGINT; obj, obj0: Object; filename: ORS.Ident; F, F1: Files.File; R, R1: Files.Rider; BEGIN Ref := Record + 1; MakeFileName(filename, modid, ".smb"); F := Files.New(filename); Files.Set(R, F, 0); Files.WriteInt(R, 0); (*placeholder*) Files.WriteInt(R, 0); (*placeholder for key to be inserted at the end*) Files.WriteString(R, modid); Write(R, versionkey); obj :=; WHILE obj # NIL DO IF obj.expo THEN Write(R, obj.class); Files.WriteString(R,; OutType(R, obj.type); IF obj.class = Typ THEN IF obj.type.form = Record THEN obj0 :=; (*check whether this is base of previously declared pointer types*) WHILE obj0 # obj DO IF (obj0.type.form = Pointer) & (obj0.type.base = obj.type) & (obj0.type.ref > 0) THEN Write(R, obj0.type.ref) END ; obj0 := END END ; Write(R, 0) ELSIF obj.class = Const THEN IF obj.type.form = Proc THEN Files.WriteNum(R, obj.exno) ELSIF obj.type.form = Real THEN Files.WriteInt(R, obj.val) ELSE Files.WriteNum(R, obj.val) END ELSIF obj.class = Var THEN Files.WriteNum(R, obj.exno) END END ; obj := END ; REPEAT Write(R, 0) UNTIL Files.Length(F) MOD 4 = 0; FOR Ref := Record+1 TO maxTypTab-1 DO typtab[Ref] := NIL END ; Files.Set(R, F, 0); sum := 0; Files.ReadInt(R, x); (* compute key (checksum) *) WHILE ~R.eof DO sum := sum + x; Files.ReadInt(R, x) END ; F1 := Files.Old(filename); (*sum is new key*) IF F1 # NIL THEN Files.Set(R1, F1, 4); Files.ReadInt(R1, oldkey) ELSE oldkey := sum+1 END ; IF sum # oldkey THEN IF newSF OR (F1 = NIL) THEN key := sum; newSF := TRUE; Files.Set(R, F, 4); Files.WriteInt(R, sum); Files.Register(F) (*insert checksum*) ELSE ORS.Mark("new symbol file inhibited") END ELSE newSF := FALSE; key := sum END END Export; PROCEDURE Init*; BEGIN topScope := universe; nofmod := 1 END Init; PROCEDURE type(ref, form: INTEGER; size: LONGINT): Type; VAR tp: Type; BEGIN NEW(tp); tp.form := form; tp.size := size; tp.ref := ref; tp.base := NIL; typtab[ref] := tp; RETURN tp END type; PROCEDURE enter(name: ARRAY OF CHAR; cl: INTEGER; type: Type; n: LONGINT); VAR obj: Object; BEGIN NEW(obj); := name; obj.class := cl; obj.type := type; obj.val := n; obj.dsc := NIL; IF cl = Typ THEN type.typobj := obj END ; := system; system := obj END enter; BEGIN byteType := type(Byte, Int, 1); boolType := type(Bool, Bool, 1); charType := type(Char, Char,1); intType := type(Int, Int, 4); realType := type(Real, Real, 4); setType := type(Set, Set,4); nilType := type(NilTyp, NilTyp, 4); noType := type(NoTyp, NoTyp, 4); strType := type(String, String, 8); (*initialize universe with data types and in-line procedures; LONGINT is synonym to INTEGER, LONGREAL to REAL. LED, ADC, SBC; LDPSR, LDREG, REG, COND are not in language definition*) system := NIL; (*n = procno*10 + nofpar*) enter("UML", SFunc, intType, 132); (*functions*) enter("SBC", SFunc, intType, 122); enter("ADC", SFunc, intType, 112); enter("ROR", SFunc, intType, 92); enter("ASR", SFunc, intType, 82); enter("LSL", SFunc, intType, 72); enter("LEN", SFunc, intType, 61); enter("CHR", SFunc, charType, 51); enter("ORD", SFunc, intType, 41); enter("FLT", SFunc, realType, 31); enter("FLOOR", SFunc, intType, 21); enter("ODD", SFunc, boolType, 11); enter("ABS", SFunc, intType, 1); enter("LED", SProc, noType, 81); (*procedures*) enter("UNPK", SProc, noType, 72); enter("PACK", SProc, noType, 62); enter("NEW", SProc, noType, 51); enter("ASSERT", SProc, noType, 41); enter("EXCL", SProc, noType, 32); enter("INCL", SProc, noType, 22); enter("DEC", SProc, noType, 11); enter("INC", SProc, noType, 1); enter("SET", Typ, setType, 0); (*types*) enter("BOOLEAN", Typ, boolType, 0); enter("BYTE", Typ, byteType, 0); enter("CHAR", Typ, charType, 0); enter("LONGREAL", Typ, realType, 0); enter("REAL", Typ, realType, 0); enter("LONGINT", Typ, intType, 0); enter("INTEGER", Typ, intType, 0); topScope := NIL; OpenScope; := system; universe := topScope; system := NIL; (* initialize "unsafe" pseudo-module SYSTEM*) enter("H", SFunc, intType, 201); (*functions*) enter("COND", SFunc, boolType, 191); enter("SIZE", SFunc, intType, 181); enter("ADR", SFunc, intType, 171); enter("VAL", SFunc, intType, 162); enter("REG", SFunc, intType, 151); enter("BIT", SFunc, boolType, 142); enter("LDREG", SProc, noType, 142); (*procedures*) enter("LDPSR", SProc, noType, 131); enter("COPY", SProc, noType, 123); enter("PUT", SProc, noType, 112); enter("GET", SProc, noType, 102); END ORB.