Exponentials of complex numbers pose a more immediate problem. We have seen that to represent i, n has to be either of the form 4k+1 or 8k+2. In both cases, is a multiple of 4 and it is not possible to represent . Since requires i to be represented in the base and in the exponent, we need to resolve this problem if want to compute signatures of trigonometric functions.
To represent i and the square root of other non-residues we will use one field extension. We will call this extension , and since it has no representation (mod n) we will have to operate with it in symbolic form. Without loss of generality, we will assume that it satisfies . So when this is needed, our signatures will be of the form and called -forms. (It is easy to see that the signatures of the square roots of non-residues are of the form , so as a side effect we can represent the square roots of all the integers.) Arithmetic is done as with polynomials in and every time that we generate we substitute it for -1. Inverses and divisions are done by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate with respect to . The only problem to resolve is how to compute exponentials of -forms, and here is where we will introduce signatures of trigonometrics.
, where r and are relatively
prime, neither r nor
are small
and r is otherwise randomly chosen.
With such an r, T is also a primitive root (mod n).
Since neither r nor 1/r are small, there is little chance, O(1/n),
of polynomials in S(e)x being confused with polynomials in Tx.
In what follows, n will be chosen so that i can be represented.
The signatures of the trigonometric functions will be
computed as follows.
It is not difficult to verify that with these definitions, , , , , etc.