News Blog of Dennis Komm

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2019-08-12 more news

i-CAMPs 2019

From August 5 to August 9, PH Graubünden organized the second i-CAMPs in Flims. There was a total of more than 80 students of grades 3 to 9 (ages 9 to 15) from different schools. The goal was to teach them basic robotics on three different levels. My team (from PH Graubünden, ETH, PH Bern, and the University of Cambridge) took care of the oldest students, who programmed Lego's EV3 robot using Python (that is, TigerJython). We were extremely happy with the results.

Below are some visual impressions of the workshop.

i-CAMPs Flims i-CAMPs Flims i-CAMPs Flims
i-CAMPs Flims i-CAMPs Flims i-CAMPs Flims
i-CAMPs Flims i-CAMPs Flims i-CAMPs Flims