News Blog of Dennis Komm

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2021-11-30 more news

Computer Science Education at PH Graubünden

Open position as PhD studentStarting in autumn 2022, students of PH Graubünden that want to become K–6 teachers will study under a new curriculum, which includes two courses on Computer Science instead of one (like currently). More specifically, there will be a basic course on Computer Science and a second course with its focus on teaching Computer Science interdisciplinarily. Yet another course will be devoted to media sciences so that there is a total of 6 ECTS for the module “Medien und Informatik”.

Being a module, communicating the basic principles as part of other subjects is inevitable — and actually very doable and even fun! The interdisciplinary course will be a joint venture of all departments. I am very happy that we were able to lay the foundation in the last years with our two projects “Algorithmisches Denken in der Primarstufe” and “Grundkonzepte der Informatik interdisziplinär fördern”.

Also starting in 2022, PH Graubünden will offer a new Master program for grades 7–9, in collaboration with PH St. Gallen. Also there, students will have a fair share of Computer Science and its didactics.