Emo Welzl, List of Publications in Refereed Journals
On the complexity of the general coloring problem,
Inform. and Control
51 (1981) 128-145
(with H.A. Maurer & I.H. Sudborough).
Color families are dense,
Theoret. Comput. Sci.
17 (1982) 29-41.
Stabbing line segments,
22 (1982) 274-281
(with H. Edelsbrunner, H.A. Maurer, F.P. Preparata, A.L. Rosenberg & D. Wood).
Using string languages to describe picture languages,
Inform. and Control
54 (1982) 155-185
(with H.A. Maurer & G. Rozenberg).
Stationing guards in rectilinear art galleries,
Comput. Graphics and Image Process.
27 (1984) 167-176
(with H. Edelsbrunner & J. O'Rourke).
Symmetric graphs and interpretations,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. B
37 (1984) 235-244.
Complexity and decidability for chain code picture languages,
Theoret. Comput. Sci.
36 (1985) 173-202
(with I.H. Sudborough).
On the number of line-separations of a finite set in the plane,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
38 (1985) 15-29
(with H. Edelsbrunner).
Recurrent words and simultaneous growth in TOL-systems,
Theoret. Comput. Sci. 35 (1985) 1-16
(with K.-J. Lange).
Constructing the visibility graph for n line segments in O(n2) time,
Inform. Process. Lett.
20 (1985) 167-171.
The bounded degree problem is decidable for NLC grammars,
J. Comput. System Sci. 33 (1986) 415-422
(with D. Janssens & G. Rozenberg).
Constructing belts in two-dimensional arrangements with applications,
SIAM J. Comput.
15 (1986) 271-284
(with H. Edelsbrunner).
On the maximal number of edges of many faces in an arrangement,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
41 (1986) 159-166
(with H. Edelsbrunner).
Trace languages defined by regular string languages,
RAIRO Inform. Theor.
20 (1986) 103-119
(with I.J. Aalbersberg).
Boundary NLC graph grammars - basic definitions, normal forms, and complexity,
Inform. and Control
69 (1986) 136-167
(with G. Rozenberg).
More on k-sets of finite sets in the plane,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
1 (1986) 95-100.
Graph theoretic closure properties of the family of boundary NLC graph languages,
Acta Inform.
23 (1986) 289-309
(with G. Rozenberg).
Denseness, maximality, and decidability of grammatical families,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I Math.
11 (1986) 167-178
(with H.A. Maurer, A. Salomaa & D. Wood).
Halfplanar range search in linear space and O(n0.695) query time,
Inform. Process. Lett.
23 (1986) 289-293
(with H. Edelsbrunner).
Combinatorial properties of boundary NLC graph languages,
Discrete Appl. Math
16 (1987) 59-73
(with G. Rozenberg).
String grammars with disconnecting or a basic root of the difficulty in graph grammar parsing,
Discrete Appl. Math.
16 (1987) 17-30
(with K.-J. Lange).
ε-nets and simplex range queries,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
2 (1987) 127-151
(with D. Haussler).
Visibility graphs and obstacle-avoiding shortest paths,
Z. Oper. Res. Ser. A
32 (1988) 145-164
(with H. Alt).
Congruence, similarity, and symmetries of geometric objects,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
3 (1988) 237-256
(with H. Alt, K. Mehlhorn & H. Wagener).
Testing the necklace condition for shortest tours and optimal factors in the plane,
Theoret. Comput. Sci.
66 (1989) 433-466
(with H. Edelsbrunner & G. Rote).
Quasi-optimal range searching in spaces with finite VC-dimension,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
4 (1989) 467-490
(with B. Chazelle).
Implicitely representing arrangements of lines or segments,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
4 (1989) 433-466
(with H. Edelsbrunner, L. Guibas, J. Hershberger, R. Seidel, M. Sharir & J. Snoeyink)
Boundary graph grammars with dynamic edge relabeling,
J. Comput. System Sci.
40 (1990) 307-345
(with J. Engelfriet & G. Leih).
Combinatorial complexity bounds for arrangements of curves and spheres,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
5 (1990) 99-160
(with K.L. Clarkson, H. Edelsbrunner, L.J. Guibas & M. Sharir).
Ranking intervals under visibility constraints,
Intern. J. Computer Math.
34 (1990) 129-144
(with H. Edelsbrunner, J. A. Feldman, I. Ben-Arroyo Hartmann & M. Overmars).
Euclidean minimum spanning trees and bichromatic closest pairs,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
6 (1991) 407-422
(with P. Agarwal, H. Edelsbrunner & O. Schwarzkopf).
Polynomial graph-colorings,
Discrete Appl. Math.
35 (1992) 29-45
(with W. Gutjahr & G. Wöginger).
Good splitters for counting points in triangles,
J. Algorithms
13 (1992) 307-319
(with J. Matoušek).
Quasi-optimal upper bounds for simplex range searching and new zone
Algorithmica 8 (1992) 407-429 (with B. Chazelle &
M. Sharir).
Simultaneous inner and outer approximations of shapes,
8 (1992) 365-389
(with R. Fleischer, K. Mehlhorn, G. Rote & C. Yap).
Weaving patterns of lines and line segments in space,
9 (1993) 561-571
(with J. Pach & R. Pollack).
Shortest paths for line segments,
10 (1993) 182-200
(with C. Icking, G. Rote & C. Yap).
Tail estimates for the space complexity of randomized incremental algorithms,
Comput. Geom.
4 (1993) 185-246
(with K. Mehlhorn & M. Sharir).
Discrepancy and approximations for bounded VC-dimension,
13 (1993) 455-466
(with J. Matoušek & L. Wernisch).
Drawing graphs in the plane with high resolution,
SIAM J. Comput.
22 (1993) 1035-1052 (with M. Formann, T. Hagerup, I. Haralambides,
M. Kaufmann, F.T. Leighton, A. Simvonis & G. Wöginger).
Fat triangles determine linearly many holes,
SIAM J. Comput. 23
(1994) 154-169 (with J. Matoušek, J. Pach, M. Sharir &
Sh. Sifrony).
Surface reconstruction between simple polygons via angle criteria,
J. Symb. Comput. 17 (1994) 351-369 (with B. Wolfers).
Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension and (pseudo-)hyperplane arrangements,
Discrete Comput. Geom. 12 (1994) 399-432 (with B. Gärtner).
Improved bounds for weak ε-nets for convex sets,
Comput. Geom. 13 (1995) 1-15 (with B. Chazelle, H. Edelsbrunner,
M. Grigni, L. Guibas & M. Sharir).
A subexponential bound for linear programming,
16 (1996) 498-516
(with J. Matoušek & M. Sharir).
Cutting dense point sets in half,
Discrete Comput. Geom. 17
(1997) 243-255 (with H. Edelsbrunner & P. Valtr).
Fast greedy triangulation algorithms,
Comput. Geom.
8 (1997) 67-86
(with M.T. Dickerson, R.L.S. Drysdale & S.A. McElfresh).
- The rank of sparse random matrices over finite fields,
Random Struct. Alg.
10 (1997) 407-419
(with J. Blömer & R. Karp).
Space filling curves and their use in the design of geometric data structures,
Theoret. Comput. Sci.
181 (1997) 3-15
(with T. Asano, D. Rajan, T. Roos & P. Widmayer).
Approximation of convex figures by pairs of rectangles,
Comput. Geom.
10 (1998) 77-87
(with O. Schwarzkopf, U. Fuchs & G. Rote).
The discrete 2-center problem,
Discrete Comput. Geom. 20
(1998) 287-305 (with P.K. Agarwal & M. Sharir).
Voronoi diagrams of lines in three dimensions under a polyhedral convex
distance function,
J. Algorithms 29 (1998) 238-255 (with L.P. Chew, K. Kedem, M. Sharir & B. Tagansky).
A class of point sets with few k-sets,
Comput. Geom.
16 (2000) 95-101
(with H. Alt, S. Felsner, F. Hurtado & M. Noy).
Enumerating triangulation paths,
Comput. Geom.
20 (2001) 3-12
(with A. Dumitrescu, B. Gärtner & S. Pedroni).
Random sampling in geometric optimization: New insights and applications,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
25 (2001) 569-590
(with B. Gärtner).
Crossing-free segments and triangles in point configurations,
Discrete Appl. Math.
112 (2001) 77-88
(with Gy. Károlyi).
Entering and leaving j-facets,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
25 (2001) 351-364.
A continuous analogue of the Upper Bound Theorem,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
26 (2001) 205-219
(with U. Wagner).
In between k-sets, j-facets, and i-faces: (i,j)-Partitions,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
29 (2003) 105-131
(with A. Andrzejak).
Euler graphs, triangle-free graphs and bipartite graphs in switching classes,
Fundam. Inform.
58 (2003) 23-37
(with J. Hage & T. Harju).
Balanced lines, halving triangles, and the Generalized Lower Bound Theorem,
Discrete & Computational Geometry - The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift
(2003) 789-797
(with M. Sharir).
New nomogram for foetal weight estimation based on Hadlock's two-parameter formula,
Ultraschall in der Medizin
25 (2004) 1-7
(with G.M. Beutler, J. Kurmanavicius, M. Hoffmann, R. Huch & M. Bajka).
Algorithmic complexity of protein identification: Combinatorics of weighted strings,
Discrete Appl. Math.,
137 (2004) 27-46
(with M. Cieliebak, Th. Erlebach, Zs. Lipták & J. Stoye).
One line and n points,
Random Struct. Alg.
23 (2004) 453-471
(with B. Gärtner, J. Solymosi, F. Tschirschnitz & P. Valtr).
Convex quadrilaterals and k-sets,
in: Towards a Theory of Geometric Graphs,
(J.Pach, Ed.),
Contemporary Mathematics
342 (2004) 139-148
(with L. Lovász, K. Vesztergombi & U. Wagner).
Point-line incidences in space,
Comb. Probab. Comput.
13 (2004) 203-220
(with M. Sharir).
On the number of crossing-free matchings, cycles, and partitions,
SIAM J. Comput.
36 (2006) 1342-1359
(with M. Sharir ).
Online conflict-free coloring for intervals,
SIAM J. Comput.
36 (2006) 956-973
(with K. Chen, A. Fiat, H. Kaplan, M. Levy, J. Matoušek, E. Mossel, J. Pach, M. Sharir, Sh. Smorodinsky & U. Wagner).
Algorithms for center and Tverberg points,
ACM Trans. Algorithms
5 (2008) 5:-5:20
(with P. Agarwal and M. Sharir).
Catching elephants with mice: Sparse sampling for monitoring sensor networks,
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
6 (2009) 1:1-1:27
(with S. Gandhi & S. Suri).
On degrees in random triangulations of point sets,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
118 (2011) 1979-1999
(with M. Sharir & A. Sheffer).
Counting plane graphs: Perfect matchings, spanning cycles, and
Kasteleyn's Technique,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
120 (2013), 777-794
(with M. Sharir & A. Sheffer).
On the number of crossing-free partitions,
Comput. Geom.
46 (2013), 879-893
(with A. Razen).
On the number of upward planar orientations of maximal planar graphs,
Theoret. Comput. Sci.
544 (2014) 32-59
(with F. Frati & J. Gudmundsson).
Cell-paths in mono- and bichromatic line arrangements in the plane,
Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.
16 (2014) 317-332
(with O. Aichholzer, J. Cardinal, Th. Hackl, F. Hurtado, M. Korman, A. Pilz, R.I. Silveira, R. Uehara & B. Vogtenhuber).
Packing plane spanning trees and paths in complete geometric graphs,
Inform. Process. Lett.
124 (2017) 35-41
(with O. Aichholzer, Th. Hackl, M. Korman, M. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, A. Pilz & B. Speckmann).
ARRIVAL: A zero-player graph game in NP ∩ coNP,
A Journey through Discrete Mathematics. A Tribute to Jiří Matoušek
(M. Loebl, J. Nešetřil and R. Thomas, Eds.)
(2017) 367-374
(with J. Dohrau, B. Gärtner, M. Kohler & J. Matoušek).
Crossing-free perfect matchings in wheel point sets,
A Journey through Discrete Mathematics. A Tribute to Jiří Matoušek,
(M. Loebl, J. Nešetřil & R. Thomas, Eds.)
(2017) 735-764
(with A.J. Ruiz).
Order on order types,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
59 (2018) 886-922
(with A. Pilz).
Minimal representations of order types by geometric graphs,
J. Graph Algorithms and Appl.
24 (2020) 551-572
(with O. Aichholzer, M. Balko, M. Hoffmann, J. Kynčl, W. Mulzer, I. Parada, A. Pilz, M. Scheucher, P. Valtr & B. Vogtenhuber).
Solving and sampling with many solutions,
82 (2020) 1474-1489
(with J. Cardinal & J. Nummenpalo).
From crossing-free graphs on wheel sets to embracing simplices and polytopes with few vertices,
Discrete Comput. Geom.
64 (2020) 1067-1097
(with A. Pilz & M. Wettstein).
Lower bounds for searching robots, some faulty,
Distributed Comput.
(special issue of the 37th Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing)
34 (2021) 229-237
(with A. Kupavskii).
Connectivity of triangulation flip graphs in the plane,
Discrete Compu. Geom.
(special issue of 36th International Symp. on Computational Geometry)
68 (2022) 1227-1284
(with U. Wagner).
Convex hulls of random order types,
Journal of the ACM
70 (2023) 1-47, Article 8
(with X. Goaoc).