... key1.1
Depending on the type of system you are using, this may be labelled the enter key.
The parenthesis/star combination (*, *) can also be used to define a set although this is rarely used. Example: first_set := (* 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 *);
... comma.1.3
The element at location i, j may be accessed by square[i,j] or, equivalently, square[i][j].
... them.3.1
The other common scoping protocol is static scoping where all variables must be declared before they are used.
... procedure3.2
These conditions are verified when you define your procedure.
... following4.1
This list is contained in file Sample/arrays and can be loaded into Darwin by issuing the command ReadProgram('Sample/arrays'). It can also be downloaded from the COMPUTATIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH GROUP web cite [5].
... scope.5.1
It is advisable that you exit your current Darwin session and restart a fresh one. The names used below must not be assigned in your current session.
... ourselves.5.2
The sequence for the Swiss-Prot entry given below has been abbreviated to the first 42 amino acids for space reasons.
... memory.6.1
There exists a built-in Darwin command factorial(n) (or alternatively n!). When the integer parameter is sufficiently large, Darwin approximates the result using the function a variant of the gamma function [1].
... tree6.2
Biologists sometimes use the term bifurcating trees instead of the mathematical binary tree.
... pipe7.1
Readers unfamiliar with pipes should not worry. The basic idea is that a special relationship is established between a Darwin program and the operating system. This allows for files to be transferred in a piecemeal fashion.
... Entry.8.1
Recall the SearchTag function introduced in Chapter [*], Section [*]. Function SearchTag was used to extract a specific SGML tag from a body of text, eg. SearchTag('AC','<E><ID>ABL1_CAEEL</ID><AC>P03949;</AC>'). Selecting with the Entry(x) structure automatically searches the x-th entry of the DB database for the appropriate SGML tag.
... polymorphism.10.1
Polymorphism comes in two forms: (1) parameteric polymorphism and (2) overloading on names or operators. Parameteric polymorphism has already been implicitly discussed in §[*]. We note that all forms of polymorphism are possible in Darwin except overloading on operators.
... users.10.2
... database.17.1
The GetAaCount function requires that a patricia tree has been created for the database assigned to DB (a non-empty .tree file). See §[*].
... data.17.2
An exhaustive matching of the Swiss-Prot database is availabe at the COMPUTATIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH GROUP web site [5].
... small.19.1
Small usually means the number of possible unique solutions is bounded by a polynomial in the size of the input.
There are only about 1090 atomic particles in the universe.
Gaston Gonnet