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Signature of unknowns

Signatures of unknowns should be random, and should not satisfy any simple relation between each other. We must beware of random number generators, which may give results which are mathematically related. Choosing the signatures of the ith unknown as $S_n(x_i) = ag^i \bmod n$is not very good, the expression x0x3/(x1x2)-1 will have signature 0 for any value of a, g and n.

Polynomials are also very poor generators of signatures. For example, suppose that we use a polynomial p(x) to generate the signatures of unknowns, by using Sn(xi) = p(i). It happens that

p(x+1)+p(x+2)+p(x+6) = p(x)+p(x+4)+p(x+5)

for any polynomial of degree 2. So Sn( x1+x2+x6 - (x0+x4+x5) ) = 0for any arbitrary quadratic polynomial and any value of n. This is highly undesirable.

A good generator for this purpose is algorithm A (Additive number generator) described in Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, vol 2, second edition, page 27. Another good method is to use a double-mod random number generator, i.e.

\begin{displaymath}S_n(x_i) = ( ag^i \pmod{N} ) \pmod{n} \end{displaymath}

where $N \gg n$ and (N,n)=1.


Gaston Gonnet