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An Algorithm For Finding All Possible Gap Blocks

For simplicity, in the following each gap is represented by an integer which is its length. All gaps of the MSA are represented by L:

Definition 3.1   The gaps of an MSA $\mbox{\rm A}= \langle a_1, a_2, .., a_n\rangle$ are represented as an ordered list L of lists, $L= \langle L_1,
.., L_n\rangle$, where each Li is the sequence of gaps in ai. |Li| is the number of gaps in ai, and the element Lij is the length of the jth gap in ai.

Definition 3.2   A gap block B of an MSA $\mbox{\rm A}= \langle a_1, a_2, .., a_n\rangle$ is defined as $B=\langle B_1, .. , B_n \rangle$, where each Bi is either a contiguous subsequence denoted by the first and last indices in Li (i.e. Bi[first], Bi[last]) or Bi is empty. For each non empty Bi, the sum of the gap lengths must be the same: $\forall
i,j: \sum_{k=B_i[first]}^{B_i[last]} L_{ik} = \sum_{k=B_j[first]}^{B_j[last]} L_{jk}$.

All possible B's are considered except for:
Whenever there are gaps in different sequences at the same position of the same length, we assume that they are placed correctly, because such gaps already are in a block, and we do not need to disrupt them (e.g. if L1,j1 = L2,j1 = L3,j1 and the three gaps start at the same place in the MSA $\mbox{\rm A}$, we treat them as one gap).
If the gaps start more than W characters away from each other in the MSA, then we discard them.
We only consider rmax gaps at a time: $B_i[last] - B_i[first] \leq r_{max}$

Problem 3.1 (Find all gap blocks)   Given is an MSA $\mbox{\rm A}= \langle a_1, .., a_n\rangle$. The problem is to find all possible gap blocks B in $\mbox{\rm A}$ (see Definition [*]).

Example 3.1:  The MSA in Figure [*] is transformed into a list $L= \langle L_1,
.., L_n\rangle$. From this list, many possible gap blocks can be formed. Two valid gap blocks are shown on the left in Figure [*] (empty lists are not shown). In both, B1 and B2, each B1i, B2i is a subsequence of Li, and the sum of the integers in each B1i, B2i is the same. One invalid gap block is shown on the right in Figure [*]. In B3, the sum of the lengths in one B3i is not the same.
Figure: Each sequence of the MSA is transformed to a list L of integers


$ L_1 = \langle4, 1, 4, 8 \rangle$
$ L_2 = \langle4, 1, 4, 8 \rangle$
$ L_3 = \langle4, 1, 4, 8 \rangle$
$ L_4 = \langle16 \rangle$
$ L_5 = \langle4, 4 \rangle$
$ L_6 = \langle3, 5 \rangle$
$ L_7 = \langle3, 3 \rangle$
$ L_8 = \langle5 \rangle$
$ L_9 = \langle5 \rangle$
$ L_{10} = \langle2, 8 \rangle$
$ L_{11} = \langle2, 8 \rangle$
$ L_{12} = \langle2, 8 \rangle$

Figure: On the left are two valid gap blocks B1 and B2 on the left that correspond to the alignment in Figure [*] (empty lists are not shown). The gap block B3 on the right is invalid: in B3 the sum of the gap lengths in each Bi is not the same.
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Most proteins are composed of domains, which are usually at most 70 amino acids long. In order to find all possible gap blocks, we restrict the problem to the size of a domain, because it does not make sense biologically to combine gaps which are further from each other than a domain size. Usually we don't know where a domain starts and where it ends, therefore we define a window of width W and height n that slides along the MSA. W is the maximum number of characters in one sequence of the MSA we look at. Within this window, we want to find all combinations of gaps that build blocks. In the following, when we use L, we mean an L restricted by such a window.

Definition 3.3   The parameter W is the maximum number of positions we analyze at in a sequence of an MSA. Let wi be the maximum possible number of gaps that can appear in Li for a window of size W. It is clear that $w_i \leq (W-1)/2$ and $w_i \leq \vert L_i\vert$.

In addition, we restrict the maximum number of gaps in each sequence we will combine to a block.

Definition 3.4   The parameter rmax is the maximum number of gaps that can be contained in any Bi of a gap block B.

Let us now determine the number of possible gap blocks that can be formed. To build a gap block B, for each row we can either choose gaps or not. Since there are at most w gaps in each row for each position, we can build $m (\min(r_{max},\frac{W-1}{2} + 1))^n$ blocks in the worst case, or more precisely,
$m \prod_{i=1}^{n} \min(r_{max}, w_i)+1$, when m is the length of a sequence ai in the MSA $\mbox{\rm A}$.
Procedure 3.1: FindAllBlocks
Input: L, rmax
Output: a list of gap blocks P
$P =\langle\rangle$;
for r = 1 to rmax do by 1em by -1em
for i = 1 to n do by 1em by -1em
compute the list P' of all possible blocks such that for each $B \in P'$: by 1em by -1em
$\bullet$ Bi = (1, r) and
$\bullet$ for all k > i, $B_k[last] - B_k[first] \leq r$ and
Bk = (1, s) s.t. $ \sum_{t=B_i[first]}^{B_i[last]} L_{it} = \sum_{t=B_k[first]}^{B_k[last]}
for all $B' \in P'$ do by 1em by -1em
if B' contains more than one gap then add B' to P;
L' = copy(L);
remove all elements from L' that correspond to B';
if L' is not empty then $P = P \cup FindAllBlocks(L', r_{max})$; by -1em by 1em
od; by -1em by 1em
od; by -1em by 1em
return P; by -1em by 1em
  In real cases, the number of gaps is small enough so that the problem is solvable in a reasonable amount of time for r up to 5 and for W up to around 70 (see Section 3.3).

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Chantal Korostensky