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Homepage of Dennis Komm

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2025-02-07 The “Passerelle” and “Maturitätsprüfung”
Good luck to anyone participating in one of the two. Hope to see some of you at ETH in a couple of years.
2025-01-23 Informatiktage
At this year's “Informatiktage” Sven Grübel will introduce a new tool that addresses different cyber threats to a K–12 audience
Workshop website
2024-12-20 Congrats Urs
Urs Hauser just successfully defended his thesis on transfer effects of programming education in high school
2024-12-18 CS Beaver 2024
This year, more than 50'000 students took part in the Swiss edition, which is a new record
Official website
Dennis Komm Dennis Komm

Welcome to my personal homepage.

I am Professor of Algorithms and Didactics at the Department of Computer Science of ETH Zurich and director of the Center for Computer Science Education (“Ausbildungs- und Beratungszentrum für Informatikunterricht,” ABZ); on the occasion of my appointment, I had the opportunity to answer a few questions. In April 2023, I had the pleasure to give my inaugural lecture.

I studied computer science (with minor psychology) at RWTH Aachen University and information technology at QUT Brisbane, receiving my Master in 2008 and my doctoral degree from ETH Zurich in 2012. After that, I stayed at ETH as postdoc and then lecturer, and eventually senior scientist. Additionally, I taught at other institutions, for instance, at the University of Zurich, where I regularly read the course Foundations of Computing II from 2014 to 2020. In 2016, I was offered a position as assistant teaching professor at the University of Illinois. From 2018 to 2019, I worked as a lecturer at PH Graubünden, and then became head of its department “Schule und Technik.” Before establishing my group at ETH, I was Professor of “Fachdidaktik Informatik” at PH Graubünden.

My major research interest is in how to nicely communicate some of the basic ideas and concepts of computer science to students of all ages, the focus being on computational thinking, programming education, and educational robotics.

In theoretical computer science, my main topics of interest include approximation algorithms for hard optimization problems, reoptimization of optimization problems, and advice complexity in different setups and environments.

I enjoy hiking, snowboarding, traveling, LATEX, Linux, Perl, and Python.

I am married to the love of my life, and we have two wonderful daughters.

Some more facts:

Curriculum Vitæ

since 2022 Associate Professor of Algorithms and Didactics at ETH Zürich
2021 – 2022 UTE Professor of “Fachdidaktik Informatik” at PH Graubünden
2019 – 2022 Senior scientist and lecturer (tenure) at ETH Zürich
2019 – 2021 Head of department “Schule und Technik” of PH Graubünden
2018 – 2019 Lecturer at PH Graubünden
2018 External Lecturer at Zurich University of Applied Sciences
2014 – 2020 External Lecturer at University of Zurich
2013 – 2019 Lecturer at ETH Zürich
2012 – 2013 Postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zürich
2008 – 2012 Doctoral Studies of Computer Science at ETH Zürich, Switzerland
2006 Studies of Information Technology at Queensland University of Technology, Australia
2002 – 2008 Studies of Computer Science at RWTH Aachen University, Germany

In February 2010, I was visitor at King's College (with Kathleen Steinhöfel), in June 2011 at RWTH Aachen University (with Peter Rossmanith), in March 2015 at Comenius University (with Rastislav Královič), and in July 2018 at Stanford University (with Gio Wiederhold).

I am currently

Back in the days, I was

I organized ARDA 2019, an MFCS satellite workshop on advances in reoptimization and dynamic algorithms, and OLAWA 2020, an MFCS satellite workshop on online algorithms with advice and related models.

Also, I was (still am) member of the program committees of

Throughout the decades, I reviewed proposals for the DFG, SNF, and NSERC as well as submissions to Algorithmica, Algorithmic Operations Research, Computer Science Education, Fundamenta Informaticæ, Informatics in Education, Information Processing Letters, the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, the Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, the Journal of Computer and System Sciences, the Journal of Scheduling, Parallel Processing Letters, RAIRO – Theoretical Informatics and Applications, Theoretical Computer Science, Theory of Computing Systems, CIAA, COCOA, COCOON, CSR, DLT, ESA, ICALP, ICER, IFIP TCS, ISAAC, ISSEP, LATA, MEMICS, MFCS, SEA, SIGCSE, SOFSEM, STACS, WALCOM, WAOA, and WG.


The members of the group offer lectures and seminars in the Bachelor and Master's programs in Computer Science, as well as in the Teaching Diploma and Didactics Certificate. Besides that, the ABZ conducted numeros computer science lessons for both elementary school and high school students.

Academic Courses

My group and I read the 3rd semester course “Theoretische Informatik” in the Computer Science Bachelor program. For Master students, we alternatingly offer the courses “Approximations- und Online-Algorithmen” (lecture notes (in German)) and “Algorithmik für schwere Probleme” (covering parameterized complexity, branching algorithms, randomized algorithms, and other theory topics) in spring semester.

For non-CS-major students, I teach the course “Informatikgrundlagen für Humanmedizin” and “Programmieren und Problemlösen.”

At ETH, we are responsible for the Teaching Diploma for Computer science high school teachers, and the Didactics Certificate for lecturer of Universities of applied sciences. We are also part of the GymInf program and gave the courses on discrete mathematics and algorithmic design techniques as well as the didactics classes.

In autumn semester, some colleagues from ETH's Department of Mathematics and I coorganize the Colloquium on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Education.

From 2018 to 2020, I was offering a Python programming course with special focus on preparing for the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics. In summer 2014, I gave a course on computational biology at Volkshochschule Zürich; lecture notes (in German): Summary 1, 2 (Handout), 3 (Handout), and 4. From 2014 to 2020 I read the course Foundations of Computing II at University of Zurich (lecture notes).

Bachelor and Master Theses

We offer topics for theses in both algorithms and complexity theory and didactics; for more information, visit our group's website.

You can use a template to typeset your Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral thesis. The example LATEX file and resulting PDF contain some hints on how to format your thesis, in particular some DOs and DON'Ts that I consider noteworthy.

Co-Refereed Doctoral Theses


You can query DBLP for an overview of my publications; alternatively, you can check my Google Scholar page. You can also download the whole list as a single BIBTEX file.

Just let me know if you are interested in any of the full papers.

Wirksamer Informatikunterricht Wirksamer Informatikunterricht

The book contains 20 interviews with 21 Computer Science teachers and didactics professors from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland on how to teach Computer Science at different levels of K–12. The interviews all contain the same 10 questions that address both opportunities and challenges of having Computer Science as an integral part of K–12 curricula. I conclude with a summary of common themes and differences in the interviews. Surprisingly, there is a lot agreement with respect to many of the central topics such as the importance of computational thinking or how Computer Science con contribute to general education.
ISBN: 978-3-8340-2243-1, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren 2024, 226 pages; view as BIBTEX.
Algorithmen und Künstliche Intelligenz Informatik – Algorithmen und Künstliche Intelligenz

The book is for secondary schools and contains a basic introduction to algorithm design techniques and data structures such as linked lists, binary trees, and hashing; the former two are also implemented in Python. What's more, essential first pinciples of articificial intelligence are introduced, and it is discussed what it means for an algorithm to “learn.” The book presents the third one in the series “Informatik für Schweizer Maturitätsschulen.”
Contains 186 exercises with solutions.
ISBN: 978-3-264-84596-9, Klett und Balmer Verlag 2022, 80 pages; view as BIBTEX.
Algorithmisches Denken in der Primarschule Algorithmisches Denken in der Primarschule

Computational thinking is understood as a set of processes that aim to solve problems in a structured way. The focus is usually on the development of an algorithm, that is, a sequence of instructions whose strict observance solves a given problem instance. While executing an algorithm does not require creativity or intellect, these are paramount when developing an algorithm. In this book, we present 26 suggested lessons that cover different aspects of computational thinking and can be used in different school subjects to build and promote sustainable problem-solving skills.
Contains 123 exercises with solutions.
ISBN: 978-3-033-09210-5, PHGR Collana 2022, 246 pages; available online at algdenken.phgr.ch; view as BIBTEX.
Programmieren und Robotik Informatik – Programmieren und Robotik

The book is for secondary schools and contains an introduction to programming in Python (TigerJython), starting with the Turtle, moving to strings and lists, and finally robots. It starts at the very beginning, no prior knowledge is assumed. Concepts such as loops, variables, functions, Boolean values are introduced in small steps and with care. Numerous examples are complemented by a large number of exercises (and solutions). Moreover, there is a wealth of advanced exercises (and solutions) available online.
Contains 307 exercises with solutions.
ISBN: 978-3-264-84595-2, Klett und Balmer Verlag 2021, 184 pages; view as BIBTEX.
An introduction to online computation: determinism, randomization, advice An Introduction to Online Computation – Determinism, Randomization, Advice

From the cover: “This textbook explains online computation in different settings, with particular emphasis on randomization and advice complexity. These settings are analyzed for various online problems such as the paging problem, the k-server problem, job shop scheduling, the knapsack problem, the bit guessing problem, and problems on graphs. This book is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students of computer science, assuming a basic knowledge in algorithmics and discrete mathematics. Also researchers will find this a valuable reference for the recent field of advice complexity.”
Contains 101 exercises with solutions.
ISBN: 978-3-319-42747-8, Springer-Verlag 2016, 349 pages; view as BIBTEX.

Book Chapters

  1. J. Hromkovič, D. Komm, R. Lacher, and J. Staub:
    Teaching with LOGO philosophy.
    Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer 2019.
    PDF available online via Springer-Link, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  2. H.-J. Böckenhauer, J. Hromkovič, and D. Komm:
    Reoptimization of hard optimization problems.
    In AAM Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics, second edition, chapter 25, Chapman and Hall/CRC 2018.
    View as BIBTEX.

Editorial Work

  1. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, and W. Unger:
    Adventures Between Lower Bounds and Higher Altitudes – Essays Dedicated to Juraj Hromkovič on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11011, Springer-Verlag 2018.
    Order at Amazon; view as BIBTEX.
  2. H.-J. Böckenhauer, J. Hromkovič, and D. Komm:
    Approximation and Parameterization.
    Special issue of MDPI Algorithms 2018.
    Available online via mdpi.com; view as BIBTEX.

Invited Publications in Books and Proceedings

  1. D. Komm and B. Matter:
    Informatics in Swiss primary schools – A case for interdisciplinarity.
    Bulletin of the EATCS 130, The Education Column, 2020.
    PDF available online at bulletin.eatcs.org/index.php/beatcs/article/view/609/, © European Association for Theoretical Computer Science; view as BIBTEX.
  2. T. Kohn and D. Komm:
    Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie programmieren.
    Informatik Spektrum 42(2):112–117, 2019.
    View as BIBTEX.
  3. U. Hauser, D. Komm, and G. Serafini:
    Wie Mathematik und Informatik voneinander profitieren können – Teil 1: Abstraktionsfähigkeit.
    Informatik Spektrum 42(2):118–123, 2019.
    View as BIBTEX.
  4. U. Hauser, D. Komm, and G. Serafini:
    Wie Mathematik und Informatik voneinander profitieren können – Teil 2: Variation der Problemstellung und Modularisierung.
    Informatik Spektrum 42(2):124–129, 2019.
    View as BIBTEX.
  5. J. Hromkovič and D. Komm:
    Can solving short tasks be an essential part of constructionist learning?
    Constructivist Foundations 14(5), open commentary on V. Dagienė , G. Futschek, and G. Stupurienė: Creativity in solving short tasks for learning computational thinking, 2019.
    PDF available online at constructivist.info/14/3/; view as BIBTEX.
  6. H.-J. Böckenhauer, T. Kohn, D. Komm, and G. Serafini:
    An elementary approach towards teaching dynamic programming.
    Bulletin of the EATCS 128, The Education Column, 2019.
    PDF available online at bulletin.eatcs.org/index.php/beatcs/article/view/587/, © European Association for Theoretical Computer Science; view as BIBTEX.
  7. U. Hauser and D. Komm:
    Interdisciplinary education in mathematics and informatics at swiss high schools.
    Bulletin of the EATCS 126, The Education Column, 2018.
    PDF available online at bulletin.eatcs.org/index.php/beatcs/article/view/552/, © European Association for Theoretical Computer Science; view as BIBTEX.
  8. J. Hromkovič, T. Kohn, D. Komm, and G. Serafini:
    Algorithmic thinking from the start.
    Bulletin of the EATCS 121, The Education Column, 2017.
    PDF available online at bulletin.eatcs.org/index.php/beatcs/article/view/478/, © European Association for Theoretical Computer Science; view as BIBTEX.
  9. D. Komm and T. Kohn:
    An introduction to running time analysis for an SOI workshop.
    Olympiads in Informatics 11:77–86, 2017.
    PDF available online at ioinformatics.org/journal/v11_2017_77_86.pdf; view as BIBTEX.
  10. J. Hromkovič, T. Kohn, D. Komm, and G. Serafini:
    Examples of algorithmic thinking in programming education.
    Olympiads in Informatics 10:111–124, 2016.
    PDF available online at ioinformatics.org/journal/v10_2016_111_124.pdf; view as BIBTEX.
  11. H.-J. Böckenhauer, J. Hromkovič, and D. Komm:
    A technique to obtain hardness results for randomized online algorithms.
    In Computing with New Resources: Essays Dedicated to Jozef Gruska on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, volume 8808 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2014, pages 264–276.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  12. H.-J. Böckenhauer, J. Hromkovič, D. Komm, R. Královič, and P. Rossmanith:
    On the power of randomness versus advice in online computation.
    In Languages Alive: Essays Dedicated to Jürgen Dassow on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, volume 7300 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2012, pages 30–43.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  13. J. Hromkovič, L. Keller, D. Komm, G. Serafini, and B. Steffen:
    Entdeckendes Lernen am Beispiel fehlerkorrigierender Codes.
    Log-in 168:50–55, 2011.
    View as BIBTEX.
  14. D. Komm:
    Teaching the concept of online algorithms.
    Olympiads in Informatics 5:58–71, 2011.
    PDF available online at ioinformatics.org/journal/INFOL067.pdf; view as BIBTEX.
  15. H. Bruderer and D. Komm:
    Programmieren und denkend Probleme lösen.
    Bildung Schweiz 11a:31 Sonderheft Computer und Internet, 2009.
    View as BIBTEX.
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Publications in Refereed Journals

  1. E. Burjons, F. Frei, E. Hemaspaandra, D. Komm, and D. Wehner:
    Finding Optimal Solutions with Neighborly Help.
    Algorithmica 86(6), 2024, pages 1921–1947.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink; view as BIBTEX.
  2. D. Komm:
    Informatik vor, im und nach dem Schweizer Gymnasium.
    Informatische Bildung in Schulen 2(1), 2024, pages 1–13.
    PDF available online via informatischebildung.de; view as BIBTEX.
  3. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, and N. Corvelo Benz:
    Call admission problems on trees.
    Theoretical Computer Science 922, 2022, pages 410–423.
    View as BIBTEX.
  4. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, and R. Wegner:
    Call admission problems on grids with advice.
    Theoretical Computer Science 918, 2022, pages 77–93.
    View as BIBTEX.
  5. D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    Randomized online algorithms with high probability guarantees.
    Algorithmica 84(5), 2022, pages 1357–1384.
    View as BIBTEX.
  6. E. Burjons, D. Komm, and M. Schöngens:
    The k-server problem with advice in d dimensions and on the sphere.
    Algorithmica 81(5), 2019, pages 1859–1880.
    View as BIBTEX.
  7. M. P. Bianchi, H.-J. Böckenhauer, T. Brülisauer, D. Komm, and B. Palano:
    Online minimum spanning tree with advice.
    International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 29(4), 2018, pages 505–527.
    View as BIBTEX.
  8. S. Dobrev, J. Edmonds, D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, S. Krug, and T. Mömke:
    Improved analysis of the online set cover problem with advice.
    Theoretical Computer Science 689, 2017, pages 96–107.
    View as BIBTEX.
  9. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, and R. Královič:
    On the advice complexity of the k-server problem.
    Journal of Computer and System Sciences 86, 2017, pages 159–170.
    View as BIBTEX.
  10. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    Online algorithms with advice: the tape model.
    Information and Computation 254, 2017, pages 59–83.
    View as BIBTEX.
  11. H.-J. Böckenhauer, J. Hromkovič, D. Komm, S. Krug, J. Smula, and A. Sprock:
    The string guessing problem as a method to prove lower bounds on the advice complexity.
    Theoretical Computer Science 554, 2014, pages 95–108.
    View as BIBTEX.
  12. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, and P. Rossmanith:
    The online knapsack problem: advice and randomization.
    Theoretical Computer Science 527, 2014, pages 61–72.
    View as BIBTEX.
  13. D. Komm and R. Královič:
    Advice complexity and barely random algorithms.
    Theoretical Informatics and Applications (RAIRO ITA) 45(2), 2011, pages 249–267.
    View as BIBTEX.
  14. D. Bilò, H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, T. Mömke, S. Seibert, and A. Zych:
    Reoptimization of the shortest common superstring problem.
    Algorithmica 61(2), 2011, pages 227–251.
    View as BIBTEX.
  15. H.-J. Böckenhauer and D. Komm:
    Reoptimization of the metric deadline TSP.
    Journal of Discrete Algorithms 8, 2010, pages 87–100.
    View as BIBTEX.
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Publications in Refereed Books and Proceedings

  1. T. Kohn and D. Komm:
    Coping with scoping: understanding scope and parameters.
    In Proc. of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2023), pages 201–207.
    PDF available online via dl.acm.org, © Association for Computing Machinery; view as BIBTEX.
  2. D. Komm:
    Teaching recursion in high school – A constructive approach.
    In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Schools (ISSEP 2021), volume 13057 of Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2021, pages 69–80.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  3. D. Komm, U. Hauser, B. Matter, J. Staub, and N. Trachsler:
    Computational thinking in small packages.
    In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Schools (ISSEP 2020), volume 12518 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2020, pages 170–182.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  4. D. Komm, A. Regez, U. Hauser, M. Gassner, P. Lütscher, R. Puchegger, and T. Kohn:
    Problem solving and creativity: Complementing programming education with robotics.
    In Proc. of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2020), pages 259–265.
    PDF available online via dl.acm.org, © Association for Computing Machinery; view as BIBTEX.
  5. E. Burjons, F. Frei, E. Hemaspaandra, D. Komm, and D. Wehner:
    Finding optimal solutions with neighborly help.
    In Proc. of the 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Sciences (MFCS 2019), volume 138 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, pages 78:1–78:14.
    PDF available online via drops.dagstuhl.de, © Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik; view as BIBTEX.
  6. H.-J. Böckenhauer, N. Corvelo Benz, and D. Komm:
    Call admission problems on trees with advice (Extended abstract).
    In Proc. of the 30th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2019), volume 11638 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2019, pages 108–121.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  7. T. Kohn and D. Komm:
    Teaching programming and algorithmic complexity with tangible machines.
    In Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Schools (ISSEP 2018), volume 11169 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2018, pages 68–83.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  8. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, and R. Wegner:
    Call admission problems on grids with advice (Extended abstract).
    In Proc. of the 16th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2018), volume 11312 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2018, pages 118–133.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  9. E. Burjons, D. Komm, and M. Schöngens:
    The k-server problem with advice in d dimensions and on the sphere.
    In Proc. of the 44th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2018), volume 10706 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2018, pages 155–166.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  10. J. Hromkovič, T. Kohn, D. Komm, and G. Serafini:
    Combining the power of Python with the simplicity of Logo for a sustainable computer science education.
    In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools (ISSEP 2016), volume 9973 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2016, pages 155–166.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  11. J. Clemente, J. Hromkovič, D. Komm, and Ch. Kudahl:
    Advice complexity of the online search problem.
    In Proc. of the 27th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2016), volume 9843 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2016, pages 203–212.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  12. D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and Ch. Kudahl:
    Advice complexity of the online induced subgraph problem.
    In Proc. of the 33rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2016), volume 58 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, pages 59:1–59:13.
    PDF available online via drops.dagstuhl.de, © Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik; view as BIBTEX.
  13. S. Dobrev, J. Hromkovič, D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    The complexity of paging against a probabilistic adversary.
    In Proc. of the 42nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2016), volume 9587 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2016, pages 265–276.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  14. M. P. Bianchi, H.-J. Böckenhauer, T. Brülisauer, D. Komm, and B. Palano:
    Online minimum spanning tree with advice (Extended abstract).
    In Proc. of the 42nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2016), volume 9587 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2016, pages 195–207.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  15. D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and J. Smula:
    Treasure hunt with advice.
    In Proc. of the 22nd International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2015), volume 9439 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2015, pages 328–341.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  16. H. Gebauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and J. Smula:
    Disjoint path allocation with sublinear advice.
    In Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2015), volume 9198 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2015, pages 417–429.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  17. D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    Randomized online algorithms with high probability guarantees.
    In Proc. of the 31st Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2014), volume 25 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, pages 470–481.
    PDF available online via drops.dagstuhl.de, © Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik; view as BIBTEX.
  18. H.-J. Böckenhauer, J. Hromkovič, D. Komm, S. Krug, J. Smula, and A. Sprock:
    The string guessing problem as a method to prove lower bounds on the advice complexity (Extended abstract).
    In Proc. of the 19th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2013), volume 7936 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2013, pages 493–505.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  19. D. Komm, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    On the advice complexity of the set cover problem.
    In Proc. of the 7th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2012), volume 7353 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2012, pages 241–252.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  20. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, and P. Rossmanith:
    On the advice complexity of the knapsack problem.
    In Proc. of the 10th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN 2012), volume 7256 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2012, pages 61–72.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  21. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, and R. Královič:
    On the advice complexity of the k-server problem.
    In Proc. of the 38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2011), volume 6755 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2011, pages 207–218.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  22. D. Komm and R. Královič:
    Advice complexity and barely random algorithms.
    In Proc. of the 37th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2011), volume 6543 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2011, pages 332–343.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  23. L. Keller, D. Komm, G. Serafini, A. Sprock, and B. Steffen:
    Teaching public-key cryptography in school.
    In Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools: Evolution and Perspectives (ISSEP 2010), volume 5941 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2010, pages 112–123.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  24. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    On the advice complexity of online problems (Extended abstract).
    In Proc. of the 20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2009), volume 5878 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2009, pages 331–340.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  25. D. Bilò, H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, T. Mömke, S. Seibert, and A. Zych:
    Reoptimization of the shortest common superstring problem (Extended abstract).
    In Proc. of the 20th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2009), volume 5577 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2009, pages 78–91.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
  26. H.-J. Böckenhauer and D. Komm:
    Reoptimization of the metric deadline TSP (Extended abstract).
    In Proc. of the 33rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2008), volume 5162 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2008, pages 156–167.
    PDF available online via SpringerLink, © Springer-Verlag; view as BIBTEX.
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Technical Reports

  1. E. Burjons, F. Frei, E. Hemaspaandra, D. Komm, and D. Wehner:
    Finding optimal solutions with neighborly help.
    CoRR abs/1906.10078, 2019.
    PDF available online at arxiv.org/abs/1906.10078.
  2. J. Clemente, J. Hromkovič, D. Komm, and Ch. Kudahl:
    Advice complexity of the online search problem.
    CoRR abs/1612.09299, 2016.
    PDF available online at arxiv.org/abs/1612.09299.
  3. D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and Ch. Kudahl:
    Advice complexity of the online induced subgraph problem.
    CoRR abs/1512.05996, 2015.
    PDF available online at arxiv.org/abs/1512.05996.
  4. H.-J. Böckenhauer, S. Geulen, D. Komm, and W. Unger:
    Constructing randomized online algorithms from algorithms with advice.
    Technical Report 48298, 2015.
    PDF available online at e-collection.library.ethz.ch/view/eth:48298.
  5. D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    Randomized online computation with high probability guarantees.
    CoRR abs/1302.2805, 2013.
    PDF available online at arxiv.org/abs/1302.2805.
  6. H.-J. Böckenhauer, J. Hromkovič, D. Komm, S. Krug, J. Smula, and A. Sprock:
    The string guessing problem as a method to prove lower bounds on the advice complexity.
    Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, TR12-162, 2012.
    PDF available online at eccc.hpi-web.de/report/2012/162.
  7. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, and P. Rossmanith:
    On the advice complexity of the knapsack problem.
    Technical Report 740, ETH Zürich, 2011.
    PDF available online at e-collection.library.ethz.ch.
  8. D. Komm, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    On the advice complexity of the set cover problem.
    Technical Report 738, ETH Zürich, 2011.
    PDF available online at e-collection.library.ethz.ch.
  9. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, and R. Královič:
    On the advice complexity of the k-server problem.
    Technical Report 703, ETH Zürich, 2010.
    PDF available online at e-collection.library.ethz.ch.
  10. D. Komm and R. Královič:
    Advice complexity and barely random algorithms.
    Technical Report 684, ETH Zürich, 2010.
    PDF available online at e-collection.library.ethz.ch.
  11. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, R. Královič, R. Královič, and T. Mömke:
    Online algorithms with advice.
    Technical Report 614, ETH Zürich, 2009.
    PDF available online at e-collection.library.ethz.ch.
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Teaching Material

  1. U. Hauser, J. Hromkovič, T. Kohn, D. Komm, and G. Serafini:
    Programmieren mit Python.
    Skript zur Tagung des Kaders von Bundesrat Johann Schneider-Ammann, 2018.
    PDF available online at www.abz.inf.ethz.ch.
  2. D. Komm:
    An introduction to the theory of computing.
    Lecture Notes, University of Zurich, 2017.
    PDF available online.
  3. H.-J. Böckenhauer, V. Dagiene, J. Hromkovič, V. Kinčius, D. Komm, R. Lacher, G. Stupuriene, and L. Vinikiene:
    Biber – Spielkarten zur Entwicklung algorithmischen Denkens.
    Creative Commons License, 2016.
  4. L. Fässler, M. Dahinden, D. Komm, and D. Sichau:
    Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python und Matlab.
    Begleitunterlagen zum Onlinekurs und zur Vorlesung, 2015.
    Order at Amazon.
  5. D. Komm:
    Eine Einführung in Online-Algorithmen.
    Lecture Notes, ETH Zürich, 2017.
    PDF available online.
  6. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, and J. Hromkovič:
    Programmieren mit LOGO für Fortgeschrittene.
    Lecture Notes, ETH Zürich, 2015.
    PDF available online at www.abz.inf.ethz.ch (the basics can be found here).
  7. H.-J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm, and J. Hromkovič:
    Programmieren mit LOGO – Projekte.
    Lecture Notes, ETH Zürich, 2015.
    PDF available online at www.abz.inf.ethz.ch.

Selected Talks and Workshops


Some visual impressions of the past years; these are snapshots.

Brisbane, Australia, 2006
Brisbane, Australia, 2006
Rohan, New Zealand, 2006
Rohan, New Zealand, 2006
Pitztal, Austria, 2008
Pitztal, Austria, 2008
Venice, Italy, 2009
Venice, Italy, 2009
Venice, Italy, 2009
Venice, Italy, 2009
Venice, Italy, 2009
Venice, Italy, 2009
Davos, Switzerland, 2009
Davos, Switzerland, 2009
Davos, Switzerland, 2009
Davos, Switzerland, 2009
Rottweil, Germany, 2010
Rottweil, Germany, 2010
Königsfeld, Germany, 2010
Königsfeld, Germany, 2010
Königsfeld, Germany, 2010
Königsfeld, Germany, 2010
Königsfeld, Germany, 2010
Königsfeld, Germany, 2010
Vienna, Austria, 2010
Vienna, Austria, 2010
Bratislava, Slovakia, 2010
Bratislava, Slovakia, 2010
Bratislava, Slovakia, 2010
Bratislava, Slovakia, 2010
Europapark Rust, Germany, 2010
Europapark Rust, Germany, 2010
Andermatt, Switzerland, 2010
Andermatt, Switzerland, 2010
Rome, Italy, 2010
Rome, Italy, 2010
Rome, Italy, 2010
Rome, Italy, 2010
Cologne, Germany, 2011
Cologne, Germany, 2011
Zermatt, Switzerland, 2011
Zermatt, Switzerland, 2011
Highlands, Scotland, 2011
Highlands, Scotland, 2011
Highlands, Scotland, 2011
Highlands, Scotland, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden, 2011
High Fens, Belgium, 2011
High Fens, Belgium, 2011
Zürich, Switzerland, 2011
Zürich, Switzerland, 2011
Zürich, Switzerland, 2012
Zürich, Switzerland, 2012
Arequipa, Peru, 2012
Arequipa, Peru, 2012
Colca Canyon, Peru, 2012
Colca Canyon, Peru, 2012
Colca Canyon, Peru, 2012
Colca Canyon, Peru, 2012
Tuscany, Italy, 2012
Tuscany, Italy, 2012
Tuscany, Italy, 2012
Tuscany, Italy, 2012
St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012
St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012
Provence, France, 2012
Provence, France, 2012
Paris, France, 2012
Paris, France, 2012
California, USA, 2013
California, USA, 2013
California, USA, 2013
California, USA, 2013
Death Valley, USA, 2013
Death Valley, USA, 2013
Locarno, Switzerland, 2013
Locarno, Switzerland, 2013
Malta, 2013
Malta, 2013
Malta 2013
Malta, 2013
Mallorca, 2014
Mallorca, 2014
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014
Lachen, Switzerland, 2014
Lachen, Switzerland, 2014
Rhône Glacier, Switzerland, 2014
Rhône Glacier, Switzerland, 2014
Valais, Switzerland, 2014
Valais, Switzerland, 2015
Granada, Spain, 2015
Granada, Spain, 2015
Córdoba, Spain, 2015
Córdoba, Spain, 2015
California, USA, 2015
California (Going going, back back...)
Nevada, USA, 2014
Nevada, USA, 2015
Zion National Park, USA, 2015
Zion National Park, USA, 2015
Lower Antelope Canyon, USA, 2015
Lower Antelope Canyon, USA, 2015
Chinese Wall, China, 2015
Chinese Wall, China, 2015
Pyrenees, Spain, 2015
Pyrenees, Spain, 2015
Whitehaven Beach, Australia, 2016
Whitehaven Beach, Australia, 2016
Piedmont, Italy, 2016
Piedmont, Italy, 2016
Bandera, USA, 2016
Bandera, USA, 2016
Helsinki, Finland, 2016
Helsinki, Finland, 2016
Gindelwald, Switzerland, 2017
Grindelwald, Switzerland, 2017
Gordes, France, 2017
Gordes, France, 2017
Gordes, France, 2017
Gordes, France, 2017
Dolomites, Italy, 2018
Dolomites, Italy, 2018
Rottweil, Germany, 2019
Rottweil, Germany, 2019
Zurich, Switzerland, 2020
Zurich, Switzerland, 2020
Cambridge, UK, 2021
Cambridge, UK, 2021
Black Forest, Germany, 2021
Black Forest, Germany, 2021
Zurich, Switzerland, 2021
Zurich, Switzerland, 2021
Hoengg, Switzerland, 2022
Hoengg, Switzerland, 2022
Lake Constance, Germany, 2022
Lake Constance, Germany, 2022
New York, US, 2023
New York, US, 2023
New York, US, 2023
New York, US, 2023
Zurich, Switzerland, 2024
Zurich, Switzerland, 2024