Advanced Algorithms, ETH Zurich, Fall 2024

Instructor: Bernhard Haeupler, Maximilian Probst and Lengler Johannes
Teaching Assistants: Antti Roeyskoe, Richard Hladik, Patryk Morawski, Jakob Nogler and Andor Vari-Kakas
Units: 3V+2U+3A, 9 Credits
Lecture Time & Place: Monday 09:15-12:00, CAB G51
Exercise Sessions:
  • Mon 14:15-16:00 CAB G59 covering solutions to the last week's exercise set
  • Wed 12:15-14:00 CHN F46 and Thu 16:15-18:00 LFV E41 for working on the current week's exercises
Office Hours: By appointment/email
Final Exam: 16th December 2024, 9-12 AM, CAB G51. The exam is open-book.
Moodle: Advanced Algorithms 2024 on Moodle
Prerequisite: Sufficient comfort with both (A) Algorithm Design & Analysis and (B) Probability & Basic Inequalities.
For instance, having passed the course Algorithms, Probability, and Computing (APC) is highly recommended, though not required formally.
If you're not sure whether you're ready for this class or not, please try the preliminary exercise set.
Other Links: Information on the Course Catalogue of ETH Zurich


Grading: Two graded homeworks 40% (due dates: 28.10.2024 and 18.11.2024), and a 3-hour final exam 60% (the final exam will be an end-of-semester exam on 16.12.2024).

Homeworks, Exercise Sets, and Exercise Sessions: During the semester, we will provide some specially-marked graded homeworks. Each of these graded homeworks will account for 20% of your grade. You should submit your solutions, which must be typeset in LaTeX, via moodle.

Moreover, we will have weekly exercise sets, one released after every lecture on the lecture's topic. You do not need to hand in their solutions. However, we recommend that you try to solve all of these problems on your own, and seek help from the assistants, if needed. These exercise sets will be discussed during the exercise sessions. The exercise classes on Mondays are dedicated to covering solutions to last weeks' exercises: come to these sessions if you have solved the problems beforehand or just want to see the solutions. The exercise classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays are dedicated to working on the exercise set released that week: come to one of these sessions if you want help/hints from the asistants working on the exercise set. Of course, feel free to ask questions about the exercises on the Q/A forum on Moodle. There are no exercise classes on the first week of the semester.

The exercise sets are an indispensable part of the course -- the material covered in them will be included in the final exam.

Lecture Notes:

The lecture notes for this course are available on Moodle. Please keep in mind the lecture notes may be updated throughout the semester. The lecture notes are based on previous lecture notes by Mohsen Ghaffari, but have been substantially revised. The old notes are still available here.

Topic List (11 lectures in 3 blocks)

The following shows the schedule of the course in the 2024 edition. The precise schedule and content will be updated throughout the semester. Hollow bullet points indicate additional sources and optional material not covered during the lecture.

Block 1: Approximation and Online Algorithms

Block 2: Streaming, Sketching and Sparsification

Block 3: Selected Topics: Embeddings, Oblivious Routing, Multiplicative Weights

Additional Material: