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Some Conference and Invited Talks
For all conference talks, see my publications page.
Onur Mutlu,
"Securing the Memory System: The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Lecture at the New York University, New York, NY, USA, 23 June 2023.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 25 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Keynote Talk at the 5th Workshop on Accelerated Machine Learning (AccML), held with the HiPEAC Conference, Toulouse, France, 18 January 2023.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Keynote Talk at the Memory-Centric Computing for Data-Intensive Workloads (MCC), held with the HiPEAC Conference, Toulouse, France, 18 January 2023.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Talk at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 13 January 2023.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Story of RowHammer"
Keynote Talk at the 6th NTUA Computing Systems Research Day, Athens, Greece, 10 January 2023.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Talk at the LiG Seminar, Virtual, 29 November 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory System Design for AI/ML Accelerators & ML/AI Techniques for Memory System Design"
Invited Talk at the Intel-SRC Research Program Review Conference, Virtual, 10 November 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis"
Invited Talk at the Montenegro Academy of Sciences Conference, Montenegro, 2 November 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Related Invited Paper (at IEEE Micro, 2020)]
[Related Invited Paper (at Computational and Structural Biology Journal, 2022)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Talk at the SONOVA Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 24 October 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Tutorial at the DFG SPP Summer School on Scalable Data Management for Future Hardware, Seeheim, Germany, 12 October 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Tutorial at the 31st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), Chicago, IL, USA, 8 October 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Talk at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US, 7 October 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Talk at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, US, 6 October 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Invited Talk at INSAIT Conference on Emerging Trends in AI and Computing Research, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1 October 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (33 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Talk at Microsoft Azure Hardware Learning Session, Virtual, 27 September 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Talk at the Huawei Strategy & Technology Workshop, Virtual, 27 September 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Distinguished Lecture at the Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, 22 September 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Talk at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 20 September 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis"
Invited Talk at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Barcelona, Spain, 6 September 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 35 minutes, including Q&A)]
[Related Invited Paper (at IEEE Micro, 2020)]
[Related Invited Paper (at Computational and Structural Biology Journal, 2022)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Talk at MATEO 2022 - Multicore Architectures and Their Effective Operation (MATEO), Barcelona, Spain, 2 September 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (30 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory System Design for AI/ML Accelerators & ML/AI Techniques for Memory System Design"
Invited Talk at the SRC Annual Review, San Diego, CA, USA, 30 August 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Talk at Google, San Diego, CA, USA, 29 August 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Talk at the Stanford Mini Symposium, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 15 July 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Plenary Keynote Talk at 20th IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Paphos, Cyprus, 4 July 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Tutorial at the 22nd International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), Samos, Greece, 3 July 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Transforming Server Architectures"
Keynote Talk at the Swiss Data Center Summit (DC SUMMIT), Zurich, Switzerland, 30 June 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Keynote Talk at HiPChips Chiplet Workshop, held with the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), New York, NY, 19 June 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis"
Keynote Talk at 4th Workshop on Accelerator Architecture in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (AACBB), held with the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), New York, NY, USA, 18 June 2022.
[Slides (pptx)(pdf)]
[Related Invited Paper (at IEEE Micro, 2020)]
[Related Invited Paper (at Computational and Structural Biology Journal, 2022)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Talk at EPFL CIS Edge AI Summer School, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15 June 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Lecture Video (1 hour 37 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Talk at Micron, Virtual, 3 June 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Security Aspects of DRAM: The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Talk at IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, 16 May 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Security Aspects of DRAM: The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Tutorial at 14th IEEE Electron Devices Society International Memory Workshop (IMW), Dresden, Germany, 15 May 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Tutorial Video (57 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Security Aspects of DRAM: The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Talk at Qualcomm, San Diego, CA, USA, 11 May 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Keynote Talk at the 13th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop (NVMW), San Diego, CA, USA, 10 May 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Keynote Talk at the Joint International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware and Data Management on Virtualized Active Systems (HardBD & Active), held with the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Virtual, 9 May 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 2 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Security Aspects of DRAM: The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Lecture at the New York University Hardware Security Class, Virtual, 29 April 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 35 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis"
Keynote Talk at the Systems for Post-Moore Architectures Workshop (SPMA), held with the EuroSys Conference (EUROSYS), Virtual, 5 April 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (58 minutes, including Q&A)]
[Related Invited Paper (at IEEE Micro, 2020)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Computing Systems"
Invited Talk at the Faculty Development Program of Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology on Advanced Computing Techniques, Virtual, 6 March 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 42 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Story of RowHammer"
Invited Talk at the Workshop on Robust and Safe Software 2.0 (RSS2), held with the 27th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Virtual, 28 February 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (21 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Keynote Talk at the Thoughtworks Engineering for Research Symposium (E4R), Virtual, 19 February 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 8 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Keynote Talk at the Intel Interconnect & Connectivity Summit (IICS), Virtual, 9 February 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Opening Keynote Talk at the National Technical University of Athens Research Challenges in Computer Science Symposium (NTUA-RCCS), Virtual, 18 January 2022.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Plenary Keynote Talk at Tsinghua Future Chips Forum (FUTURE CHIPS), Virtual, 17 December 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (41 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Systems"
Invited Webinar at IEEE SSCS & CAS Central Texas Chapter, Virtual, 2 December 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 54 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities"
Closing Talk at IEEE Data & Storage Symposium (DSS), Virtual, 1 December 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities"
Invited Lecture at the 10th EdukCircle International Convention on Engineering and Computer Technology, Virtual, 10 November 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Invited Lecture at IEEE Electron Devices Society Fall School (EDS FALL SCHOOL), Virtual, 26 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Systems"
Keynote Talk at 15th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS), Riverside, CA, USA, 25 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 15 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Microarchitecture Research Panel"
Panel Talk at the 54th International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Virtual, 20 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Distinguished Lecture at Ontario Tech Engineering Research Distinguished Speaker Series, Virtual, 19 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (58 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"SAFARI Research Group: Introduction & Research"
Invited Talk at the ETH Future Computing Laboratory Huawei Day, Virtual, 19 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (15 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities"
Invited Talk at Huawei Strategy & Technology Workshop, Virtual, 15 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Systems"
Invited Talk at Huawei Strategy & Technology Workshop, Virtual, 14 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing"
Education Class at Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK), Virtual, 9 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Abstract (pdf)]
[Talk Video (2 hours, including Q&A)]
[Invited Paper at DATE 2021]
["A Modern Primer on Processing in Memory" paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing Systems"
Invited Talk at Korea Computing Industry Association PIM Software Workshop (KCIA), Virtual, 7 October 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (48 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Systems"
Public Lecture at Frontiers of AI Accelerators: Technologies, Circuits and Applications, Croucher Advanced Study Institute Workshop (FAI-ASI), Virtual, 25 August 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 12 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote Talk at TUBA World Conference on Energy Science and Technology (WCEST), Virtual, 11 August 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (58 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Systems"
Invited Talk at Supercomputing Frontiers Europe (SCFE), Virtual, 21 July 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (52 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"SAFARI Research Group: Introduction & Research"
Talk at ETH Future Computing Laboratory Welcome Workshop (EFCL), Virtual, 6 July 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Closing Talk at IEEE Data & Storage Symposium (DSS), Virtual, 30 June 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Applying to Graduate School & Doing Impactful Research"
Invited Panel Talk at the 3rd Undergraduate Mentoring Workshop, held with the 48th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Virtual, 18 June 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (50 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities"
Invited Seminar at IEEE Egypt & IEEE Future University in Egypt Student Branch, Virtual, 16 May 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (2 hours 2 minutes, with Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Opening Talk at TU Vienna Mondays in Memory Webinar Series (MiM), Virtual, 3 May 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (57 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote Talk at Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), Virtual, 29 April 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (48 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities"
Distinguished Seminar at Koc University College of Engineering, Virtual, 9 April 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 8 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Architectures: Challenges and Opportunities"
Keynote Talk at CSCON IEEE Turkey Computer Society Student Branch Conference (CSCON), Virtual, 2 April 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 22 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Architectures: Challenges and Opportunities"
Invited Lecture at Koc University ACM Student Chapter, Virtual, 22 March 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk & Interview Video (2 hours 24 minutes, including Q&A and interview)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Runahead Execution: A Short Retrospective"
HPCA Test of Time Award Ceremony, Virtual, 2 March 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (10 minutes)]
[Original HPCA 2003 Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities"
Invited Lecture at IEEE Computer Society Turkey Chapter, Virtual, 20 February 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 30 minutes, including Q&A)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis: A Primer on an Ongoing Journey"
Invited Lecture at Technion, Virtual, 26 January 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 37 minutes, including Q&A)]
[Related Invited Paper (at IEEE Micro, 2020)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Computing Systems"
Invited Special Session Talk at Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Virtual, 2 February 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[IEDM Tutorial Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Short Talk Video (11 minutes)]
[Longer IEDM Tutorial Video (1 hr 51 minutes)]
[Abstract and Bio]
[Invited Paper at DATE 2021]
[Related Review Paper on Processing in Memory]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Story of RowHammer"
Keynote Talk at Secure Hardware, Architectures, and Operating Systems Workshop (SeHAS), held with HiPEAC 2021 Conference, Virtual, 19 January 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hr 15 minutes, with Q&A)]
[Related Survey Paper from IEEE TCAD 2019]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Invited Talk at Seoul National University Neural Processing Research Center, Virtual, 12 January 2021.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hr 30 minutes, with Q&A)]
[Related Keynote Paper from VLSI-DAT 2020]
[Related Review Paper on Processing in Memory]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Invited Talk at SUSTech, Virtual, 11 December 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hr 53 minutes, with Q&A)]
[Related Keynote Paper from VLSI-DAT 2020]
[Related Review Paper on Processing in Memory]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory-Centric Computing Systems"
Invited Tutorial at 66th International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), Virtual, 12 December 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Executive Summary Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Tutorial Video (1 hour 51 minutes)]
[Executive Summary Video (2 minutes)]
[Abstract and Bio]
[Related Keynote Paper from VLSI-DAT 2020]
[Related Review Paper on Processing in Memory]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote Talk at Huawei Compute and Storage Technology Workshop, Virtual, 2 December 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (56 minutes)]
[Related Keynote Paper from VLSI-DAT 2020]
[Related Review Paper on Processing in Memory]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Invited Talk at Texas State University Computer Science Seminar, Virtual, 13 November 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 50 minutes, including Q&A)]
[Related Keynote Paper from VLSI-DAT 2020]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote Talk at National Science Foundation Workshop on Processing-In-Memory Technology (NSF-PIM) , Virtual, 26 October 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (63 minutes + Q&A)]
[Related Keynote Paper from VLSI-DAT 2020]
Onur Mutlu,
"Computer Architecture: Why Is It So Important and Exciting Today?"
Invited Lecture at Izmir Institute of Technology (IYTE) , Virtual, 16 October 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (2 hours 12 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote Talk at 13th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR) , Virtual, 13 October 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (60 minutes)]
[Related Keynote Paper from VLSI-DAT 2020]
Onur Mutlu,
"Revisiting RowHammer"
Invited Talk at 28th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), Special Session on AI Frameworks, Virtual, 9 October 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (30 minutes)]
[Related Survey Paper from IEEE TCAD 2019]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Distinguished Lecture at HKUST Engineering and HKSTP Distinguished Speaker Series, Virtual, 7 October 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 24 minutes)]
[Related Keynote Paper from VLSI-DAT 2020]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Plenary Keynote Talk at the 2020 International Symposia on VLSI (VLSI), Virtual, 11 August 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (55 minutes)]
[Keynote Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Computation in Memory: An Architectural Perspective"
57th Design Automation Conference Tutorial on New Era of Compute-In-Memory (DAC), Virtual, 20 July 2020.
[Slides (pptx)]
Onur Mutlu,
"How to Build an Impactful Research Group"
57th Design Automation Conference Early Career Workshop (DAC), Virtual, 19 July 2020.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote talk at the 17th ChinaSys Workshop, Zhuhai, China, 20 December 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video Version 1 (Slides and Audio; 1 hour 35 minutes)]
[Talk Video Version 2 (Podium, Screen and Audio: 1 hour 35 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Invited talk at the Huawei European Research Symposium, Paris, France, 26 November 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (~30 minutes)]
[Talk Video (longer version from SAMOS 2019)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote talk at the Khalifa University System on Chip Center Open House, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 20 November 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (only the first ~39 minutes)]
[Talk Video (from a similar talk at SAMOS 2019)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Keynote talk at 37th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 19 November 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Related Overview Paper I]
[Related Overview Paper II]
[Talk Video (1 hour 18 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote talk at the HiPEAC Computing Systems Week Autumn 2019 (HIPEAC CSWEEK), Bilbao, Spain, 28 October 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Talk Video (from a similar talk at SAMOS 2019)]
Onur Mutlu,
"RowHammer and Beyond"
Keynote talk at the HiPEAC Computing Systems Week Autumn 2019 Resilience in High Performance Computing Thematic Session (RESILIENTHPC), Bilbao, Spain, 28 October 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Related Overview Paper (IEEE TCAD 2019)]
Onur Mutlu,
"RowHammer and Beyond"
Keynote talk at the 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 2 October 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Related Overview Paper (IEEE TCAD 2019)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Keynote talk at International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technology (APPT), Tianjin, China, 16 August 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 13 minutes)]
[Related Overview Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote talk at the 19th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), Samos, Greece, 10 July 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 4 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory Systems and Memory-Centric Computing Systems"
Invited Tutorial at the 19th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), Samos, Greece, 7 July 2019.
[Part 1: Memory Importance and Trends: Slides (pptx) (pdf) Video (1 hr 10 mins)]
[Part 2: RowHammer: Slides (pptx) (pdf) Video (57 mins)]
[Part 3: Computation in Memory: Slides (pptx) (pdf) Video (1 hr 16 mins)]
[Part 4: Low-Latency Memory: Slides (pptx) (pdf) Video (38 mins)]
[Part 5: Principles and Conclusion: Slides (pptx) (pdf) Video (24 mins)]
[SAMOS Tutorial Course Website]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Invited talk at Yale: 80 in 2019: Pushing the Envelope of Computing for the Future (YALE@80), Barcelona, Spain, 1 July 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Some Reflections (on DRAM)"
Award Speech for ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award, at the ISCA Awards Ceremony, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 25 June 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Video of Award Acceptance Speech (Youtube; 10 minutes) (Youku; 13 minutes)]
[Video of Interview after Award Acceptance (Youtube; 1 hour 6 minutes) (Youku; 1 hour 6 minutes)]
[News Article on "ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award goes to Prof. Onur Mutlu"]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense: Enabling Practical In- or Near Memory Computation"
Fifth Workshop on Computer Architecture Research Directions (CARD), held with ISCA, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 23 June 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Related Overview Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Invited Talk at TU Wien Faculty of Informatics Seminar Series, Vienna, Austria, 18 June 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 43 minutes)]
[Related Overview Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"How to Build an Impactful Research Group"
Design Automation Conference Early Career Workshop, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Enabling Computation with Minimal Data Movement: Changing the Computing Paradigm for High Efficiency"
Design Automation Summer School, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Related Overview Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Invited Tutorial at 11th IEEE Electron Devices Society International Memory Workshop (IMW), Monterey, CA, USA, May 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Related Overview Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Keynote Talk at 29th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Washington, DC, USA, May 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Related Overview Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Using Commodity Memory Devices to Support Fundamental Security Primitives"
Visionary Talk at Workshop on Energy-Secure System Architectures (ESSA), in conjunction with the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), McLean, VA, USA, May 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Using Commodity Memory Devices to Support Fundamental Security Primitives"
Invited Talk at IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, April 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
Onur Mutlu,
"RowHammer and Beyond"
NYU ECE Seminar, New York, NY, USA, April 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Related Overview Paper (IEEE TCAD 2019)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines"
Keynote talk at the SRC-Mubadala-Khalifa Forum on The Future of Artificial Intelligence Hardware Systems, Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"RowHammer and Beyond"
Keynote talk at 10th International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE), Darmstadt, Germany, April 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Using Commodity Memory Devices to Support Fundamental Security Primitives"
Invited Talk at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2019.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Invited Talk at ISSCC Special Forum on "Intelligence at the Edge: How Can We Make Machine Learning More Energy Efficient?", as part of the 2019 International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA, USA, February 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis: A Primer on an Ongoing Journey"
Keynote talk at 2nd Workshop on Accelerator Architecture in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (AACBB), Washington, DC, USA, February 2019.
[Slides (pptx)(pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 2 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Distinguished Lecture at George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA, February 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Talk Video (1 hour 15 minutes)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory Systems and Memory-Centric Computing Systems"
Endowed Lecture Series at the University of Texas at Austin ECE Department, Austin, TX, 29, 31 January and 1 February 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Lecture 1: Memory Trends and Memory Reliability & Security: Slides Video (1 hour 13 mins)]
[Lecture 2: Computation in Memory: Slides Video (1 hour 11 mins)]
[Lecture 3: Low-Latency Memory: Slides]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Architectures: Challenges and Opportunities"
Invited talk at University of Texas at Austin ECE Colloquium, Austin, TX, 30 January 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Invited talk at University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 10 January 2019.
[Slides (pptx)]
[Lecture Video]
Onur Mutlu,
Invited talk at Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security (TopHES), held with (ICCAD), San Diego, CA, USA, November 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Abstract and Original Paper]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Keynote talk at International Workshop on Highly Efficient Neural Processing (HENP), held with (ESWEEK), Torino, Italy, October 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Keynote talk at Córdoba HiPerNav Week (HiPerNav), Córdoba, Spain, September 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design (for Data-Intensive Computing)"
Joint Keynote talk at 7th IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA) and 24th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), Hakodate, Japan, August 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"RowHammer and Beyond"
Invited talk at Microsoft Research 2018 Faculty Summit (MSR FACSUMMIT), Redmond, WA, USA, August 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (43 mins)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design: Robustness, Energy, Performance"
Keynote talk at 24th IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS), Costa Brava, Spain, July 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Design Automation Summer School, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Keynote talk at 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis: A Primer on an Ongoing Journey"
Keynote talk at 17th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB), Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Keynote talk at 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Memory Solutions and Applications (EMS), held with DATE, Dresden, Germany, March 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Architectures: Challenges and Opportunities"
Keynote talk at the 26th Euromicro International Comference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), Cambridge, UK, March 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis: A Primer on an Ongoing Journey"
Talk at ETH Zurich Seminar Course on Hardware Architectures for Machine Learning (HAML), Zurich, Switzerland, March 2018.
[Slides (pptx)(pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Accelerating Genome Analysis: A Primer on an Ongoing Journey"
Keynote talk at Workshop on Accelerator Architecture in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (AACBB), Vienna, Austria, February 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design"
Invited Talk at PRIME International Symposium on Many-Core Computing: Hardware and Software, Southampton, UK, January 2018.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design (and the Platforms We Design Around It)"
INESC-ID Distinguished Lecture, Lisbon, Portugal, December 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Invited Talk at Institute of Neuroinformatics Colloquium, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Key Challenges and Opportunities
in Memory Systems -- Changing Our Fixed Mindsets"
Keynote Talk at the Transiently Powered Computing – IDEA League Doctoral School (TPC), Delft, The Netherlands, November 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Processing Data Where It Makes Sense: Enabling In-Memory Computation"
Keynote Talk at 3rd Workshop on Mobile System Technologies (MST), Milan, Italy, October 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Opportunities and Challenges of Emerging Memory Technologies"
Invited Talk at ARM Research Summit, Cambridge, UK, September 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory Reliability, Security and Beyond"
Design Automation Summer School, Austin, TX, USA, June 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design (and the Computing Platforms We Design Around It)"
Stephen and Sharon Seiden Frontiers in Engineering and Science Workshop: Beyond CMOS: From Devices to Systems, Technion, June 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (24 mins)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Future Computing Architectures"
ETH Zurich Inaugural Lecture, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[YouTube Video (45 mins)] [ETH Video (45 mins)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The RowHammer Problem and Other Issues We May Face as Memory Becomes Denser"
Keynote talk at CFAED Workshop on Resilient Systems (WRS), Dresden, Germany, April 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Related Invited Paper (at DATE 2017)]
Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design (and the Computing Platforms We Design Around It)"
Keynote talk at the 13th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), Delft, the Netherlands, April 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The RowHammer Problem and Other Issues We May Face as Memory Becomes Denser"
Invited Talk and Paper in Proceedings of the Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2017.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Invited Paper]
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design"
Keynote talk at 27th International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 2016.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design"
Keynote talk at 2016 Workshop on Mobile System Technologies (MST), Milan, Italy, September 2016.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design"
Keynote talk at 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 2016.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
Onur Mutlu,
"The Row Hammer Problem and Other Issues We May Face as Memory Becomes Denser"
Invited Talk and Paper in Proceedings of the 53rd Design Automation Conference (DAC), Austin, TX, June 2016.
[Slides (pptx)] [Slides (pdf)]
[Paper] entitled "Who Is the Major Threat to Tomorrow's Security? You, the Hardware Designer"
- Onur Mutlu,
"Reliability and Security Issues of DRAM and NAND Flash Scaling"
Memory Reliability Forum at HPCA, Barcelona, Spain, March 2016.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design (along with Interconnects)"
Keynote talk at 8th International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures (NoCArc), Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2015.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design (for Data-Intensive Computing)"
Keynote talk at 27th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), Florianopolis, Brazil, October 2015.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design for Data-Intensive Computing"
Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium, Stanford, CA, September 2015.
[Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hr 19 mins)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"Read Disturb Errors in MLC NAND Flash Memory"
Technical talk at Flash Memory Summit 2015 (FMS), Santa Clara, CA, August 2015.
[Slides (ppt) (pdf)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"The DRAM RowHammer Problem (and Its Reliability and Security Implications)"
[RowHammer Summary Paper]
Presented at various venues.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design for Data-Intensive Computing"
Keynote talk at 15th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), Samos, Greece, July 2015.
[Abstract] [Slides (pptx) (pdf)]
[Talk Video (1 hr 25 mins)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design for Data-Intensive Computing"
Keynote talk at 11th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN), Melbourne, Australia, June 2015.
[Abstract] [Slides (pptx)]
- Onur Mutlu,
"ASPLOS 2015 Debate: Should We Require Source Code Publication for Article Publication?"
Debate Session talk at 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Istanbul, Turkey, March 2015.
Slides (pptx) (pdf)
- Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking the Systems We Design"
Technical talk at A Computer Architecture Workshop: Visions for the Future (Celebrating Yale@75) (YALE@75), Austin, TX, September 2014.
Slides (pptx) (pdf)
Video (22 mins)
- Onur Mutlu,
"Error Analysis and Management for MLC NAND Flash Memory"
Technical talk at Flash Memory Summit 2014 (FMS), Santa Clara, CA, August 2014.
Slides (ppt) (pdf)
- Onur Mutlu,
"Understanding and Overcoming Challenges of DRAM Refresh"
Technical talk at the International Extreme Scale Scientific Computing Workshop 2014 (ESSC), Moscow, Russia, June 2014.
Slides (pptx) (pdf)
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory Scaling: A Systems Architecture Perspective"
Technical talk at MemCon 2013 (MEMCON), Santa Clara, CA, August 2013.
Slides (pptx) (pdf)
Onur Mutlu,
"Memory Scaling: A Systems Architecture Perspective"
Proceedings of the 5th International Memory Workshop (IMW), Monterey, CA, May 2013.
Slides (pptx) (pdf)
- Onur Mutlu,
"Scaling the Memory System in the Many-Core Era"
Distinguished Lecture at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, June 2012.
Also presented at various venues, 2012.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Architecting and Exploiting Asymmetry in Multi-Core Architectures"
Presented at various venues, 2011, 2012.
Onur Mutlu,
Correct-and-Refresh: Retention-Aware Error Management for Increased
Flash Memory Lifetime"
Presented at the 30th IEEE
International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD),
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, September 2012.
PDF version
Onur Mutlu,
"Bottleneck Identification and Scheduling in Multithreaded Applications"
Presented at the 17th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming
Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), London, UK, March 2012.
Onur Mutlu,
"Some Opportunities and Obstacles in Cross-Layer and Cross-Component (Power) Management"
Presented at the NSF Workshop on Cross-Layer Power Optimization and Management (NSF CPOM), Los Angeles, CA, February 2012.
Position paper
- Onur Mutlu,
"Memory Systems in the Many-Core Era: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solution Directions"
Joint Keynote Talk at ISMM (International Symposium on Memory Management) and MSPC (ACM Workshop on Memory System Performance and Correctness), San Jose, CA, June 5, 2011.
Abstract Slides (pptx) Slides (pdf)
- Onur Mutlu,
"Towards Practical Bufferless On-Chip Networks"
Presented at various venues, 2011.
- Chris Fallin,
"CHIPPER: A Low-Complexity Bufferless Deflection Router"
Presented at the 17th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer
Architecture (HPCA), San Antonio, TX, February 2011.
- Yoongu Kim,
"Thread Cluster Memory Scheduling: Exploiting Differences in Memory Access Behavior"
Presented at the 43rd International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Atlanta, GA, December 2010.
- Onur Mutlu,
"PCM (NVM) as Main Memory: Opportunities and Challenges"
Presented at the Carnegie Mellon Parallel Data Lab (PDL) Retreat, Bedford, PA, October 2010.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Some Ideas for Instruction-Level Parallelism Research"
CRA Workshop on Advancing Computer Architecture Research: What Now in Instruction-Level Parallelism Research, Seattle, WA, September 2010.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Research Challenges in Future Computing Platforms"
Presented at the Carnegie Mellon ECE Department Faculty Retreat, Wheeling, WV, August 2010.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Multi-core Architectures and Shared Resource Management: Fundamentals and Recent Research"
Lecture Series at Seoul National University and KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), South Korea, July 2010.
Onur Mutlu,
"Data Marshaling for Multi-core Architectures"
Presented at the 37th International Symposium on
Computer Architecture (ISCA), Saint-Malo, France, June 2010.
Onur Mutlu,
"Designing High-Performance and Fair Shared Multi-core Memory Systems: Two Approaches"
GSRC (Gigascale Systems Research Center) E-Seminar and Various Other Venues, March-October 2010.
Onur Mutlu,
"Rethinking Memory System Design in the Nanoscale Many-Core Era"
ASPLOS Workshop on Architecting Memory Technologies (WAMT), Pittsburgh, PA March 2010.
- Eiman Ebrahimi,
"Fairness via Source Throttling: A Configurable and High-Performance Fairness Substrate for Multi-Core Memory Systems"
Presented at the 15th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming
Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Pittsburgh, PA, March 2010.
Onur Mutlu,
"Asymmetry Everywhere (with Automatic Resource Management)"
CRA Workshop on Advancing Computer Architecture Research: Popular Parallel Programming, San Diego, CA, February 2010.
Position paper
- Yoongu Kim,
"ATLAS: A Scalable and High-Performance Scheduling Algorithm for Multiple Memory Controllers"
Presented at the 16th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer
Architecture (HPCA), Bangalore, India, January 2010.
Onur Mutlu,
"Preventing Memory Performance Attacks in Multi-Core Systems"
Carnegie Mellon University ECE Department Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA, February 2009.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Parallelism-Aware Batch Scheduling: Enhancing both Performance and Fairness of Shared DRAM Systems"
Presented at the 35th International Symposium on
Computer Architecture (ISCA), Beijing, China, June 2008.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Stall-Time Fair Memory Access Scheduling for Chip Multiprocessors"
Presented at the 40th International Symposium on
Microarchitecture (MICRO), Chicago, IL, December 2007.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Memory Performance Attacks: Denial of Memory Service in Multi-Core Systems"
Presented at the 16th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX SECURITY), Boston, MA, August 2007.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Efficient Runahead Execution Processors"
Ph.D. Defense talk, University of Texas at Austin, April 2006.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Address-Value Delta (AVD) Prediction"
Presented at the 38th International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Barcelona, Spain, November 2005.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Techniques for Efficient Processing in Runahead Execution Engines"
Presented at the 32nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Madison, WI, June 2005.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Wrong Path Events"
Presented at the 37th International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Portland, OR, December 2004.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Cache Filtering Techniques to Reduce the Negative Impact of Useless Speculative Memory References on
Processor Performance"
Presented at the 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), Foz Do Iguacu, PR, Brazil, October 2004.
- Onur Mutlu,
"Runahead Execution: An Alternative to Very Large Instruction Windows for Out-of-order Processors"
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), Anaheim, CA, February 2003.